We love having visitors at Deerhorn. Many of our former campers and staff loving coming back to camp and reliving their days at Deerhorn. We love greeting old friends, but we do have some policies in place to keep our campers safe. Their well-being is our first priority during the summer. Most importantly, while we love having visitors, we cannot have visitors eat in the dining room, participate in activities, or sleep at camp. Below is a list of our visitor policies. Thank you for your support in helping make camp safe for our campers.
Deerhorn Visitors Policy
For the safety of our campers
All visitors are required to sign in at the Deerhorn Office. NO EXCEPTIONS. Staff should always greet visitors and then promptly ask them if they have signed in. The directors should be notified of all planned visitors.
Campers are not allowed to leave with visitors unless CDH has written permission, they are signed out, and the visitor has enough seatbelts. Under no circumstances will campers be allowed to call home to ask for permission. Staff on duty, are not able to leave with visitors.
Campers are not allowed to have visitors under the age of 21 unless it is a direct relative.
No visitors, family members, or CDH alumni are allowed to eat in the dining room, participate in activities, or use camp equipment unless they have specific approval from the directors. Parents are welcome to enjoy the camp grounds and watch activities.
Overnight visitors should secure proper accommodations in Rhinelander.
No visitors, including alumni and parents, are allowed to sleep in koogees or the counselor’s room.
All visitors ,without specific director permission, must be off site between the hours of 9pm and 8am.
Please do not bring dogs or pets to camp.