The 2025 Deerhorn Leaders

Today is always our most favorite day and our least favorite day. We get to announce the 4 Leaders for the upcoming summer, but we also have to send emails to all the incredible kids who weren’t chosen. We’re a little later than usual on the announcement this year. Half of our directors live in […]

Dear Mama

Dear Mama, I have been a camp director for more than 20 years. And in those 20 years, I have written lots of blogs to help first year parents prepare their kids for camp. How to talk about homesickness, how to set them up for success, how to let them help pack…how to get your […]

The Deerhorn Magic

And just like that, the summer of 2024 has come to a close. Our final Father Son session of the summer concluded this morning, and by mid-afternoon camp was taken down and the docks sat quietly on the beach, to wait patiently for the summer of 2025. Being a camp director is Hard. But it’s […]

Fishing in the Sun

It was another gorgeous day at the ‘Horn for our final full day of this 2024 Deerhorn summer. The waterfront was a hopping place to be, not only for some great Rave launches and trips down the slide, sandcastles and kayaking, but also for our guided fishing day! We had four guides going out all […]

Another Beauty

We could not have cooked up better weather for our final session of the summer of 2024! It was another day of blue skies and sunshine, perfect for every activity except sailing, since there was not much wind all day. But a few brave sailors tried it out anyway! We had sausage and biscuits and […]

Last One Best One

We would never pick favorites between sessions, but the dads who come to Father Son 4 will tell you that we saved the best for last. Our final session of the summer of 2024 started today and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. After clouds and chilly temperatures for FS3, today dawned sunny and […]

Fishing and Catching

It was definitely a much chillier day today, with some brief rain sprinkles this morning and clouds throughout the day. The sun tried to peek out a few times, but didn’t stay out long. We had sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwiches for breakfast and meatball subs and tater tots for lunch. There were a […]


We woke to grey skies and drizzle that lasted most of the morning. However, after lunch, the sun came out, the breeze blew off the lake, and it turned into a beauty of a day! We had pancakes and sausage for breakfast, chicken cheddar melts for lunch, and beef stroganoff for dinner. The beach was […]

Hooray for FS3!

Our camper sessions may be over, but that doesn’t mean that the fun is! Our third Father Son camp of the summer started this morning at 9am, and there were lots of dads and sons rolling into the parking lot first thing this morning! They wanted to get the party started! While the weather is […]

The End of an Era

Somehow, here we are. All of our camper-only sessions finished today with the end of our E session. We still have two more Father Son camps to finish out our season, but it’s definitely bittersweet to say goodbye to the E session. The Water Campfire last night had to be held in the lodge because […]