2021 Leader Update
We shared the news yesterday on our social media, but we wanted to update our blog as well. We’ve had a change to our 2021 Leader crew. Sadly, Jack Pavia is unable to join us this summer at Deerhorn to co-lead the Apache with Charlie Halpin. We will really miss him at camp this summer, […]

His First Year at Deerhorn
We can’t it’s almost May! It won’t be long before Deerhorn will open its doors again to hundreds of excited campers, many of them returning for another unbelievable summer of fun. But we also have 150 campers who will be joining the Deerhorn Family, coming to camp for their first summer at Deerhorn on their […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Will Strickland
Every spring, we ask the parents of our Deerhorn Leaders to write blog about their son’s time at Deerhorn. This year, for the first time ever, we will have 8 Deerhorn Leaders at camp. Will Strickland will be co-leading the Iroquois with JP Koehl. Will hails from Los Altos, California and this summer will be […]

Che’s Lounge
As if 2020 was not already hard enough, last summer the Deerhorn Family lost someone who was near and dear to our hearts. Chetan Phadnis was someone who radiated kindness. Our staff looked up to him, he was friends with all the dads, and he was endlessly supportive of the kids around him at Father […]