Georgia was born on June 2,2024. She arrived at Deerhorn as a 7 week-old puppy on July 20. She was a bit overwhelmed by the attention she received from EVERYONE at camp, but soon loved being part of the Deerhorn family! Georgia loves to explore while hiking and cross country skiing around camp. She is curious about everything. She acts as if she’s won the lottery each time she’s fed. She adores her big sister, Skatie, and they spend endless hours wrestling both inside and out. She can’t wait for summer so she can meet all of her new camper friends.


Stamkos was born October 16, 2021.  The summer of 2022 was his first chance to greet Deerhorn campers, and he loved every minute of camp!  Stamkos weighs in at about 90 pounds.  His favorite thing to do is meet new people and other puppies.  He loves wrestling with his friend, Bozeman, and he is a huge fan of the  Tampa Bay Lightning!



Bozeman was born May 14, 2018, and joined the Deerhorn Dog Pack in the summer of 2019. He is a pure bred Landseer Newfoundland who lives up to his breed’s reputation of loving water. He will dig in any bowl of water put in front of him, tries to climb in the bathtub, and loves swimming in the lake. He weighs in at about 150 pounds! He loves almost any food offered to him, but his favorites are popcorn and cheese.  During the off season, he loves volunteering with Dogs On Call in Madison, WI as a therapy dog, “spreading sunshine and good cheer, just for the fun of it“. He is the epitome of a Gentle Giant.


This is Roman Broadbridge and the summer of 2019 was his first time at Deerhorn! He was born in August 2018 in Nebraska and then was brought home by Taylor Broadbridge to Arvada, Colorado. Roman loves going to dog parks with his sister Koda, playing in deep snow, and exploring unknown things! He enjoys chewing on bones, playing tug-of-war, playing in water, or getting pet. He weighs in at a whopping 180 pounds!



Koda can’t wait for this summer! Taylor Broadbridge adopted Koda from a small farm in rural Kansas in the fall of 2011. She is a golden retriever and weighs no more than 60 pounds. The waterfront is where you will find her most of the summer; chasing endless tennis balls and jumping off the docks into the water.



Skatie Darlin’ of Deerhorn was born August 2, 2013, and she lives at camp year round.  She loves the great outdoors at her doorstep and has more fun than anyone during the summer.  Her favorite activities are sprout ball and frisbee golf.


Gunner weighs in at about 85 pounds and loves being a Deerhorn Dog. He loves getting dirty and swimming in any water he can find. He also loves snuggling and taking naps on lazy days.


Katniss was born in December of 2014, and spent her first summer at camp in 2015.  She is a little bit of a scaredy-cat, so she stays at Amy & Patrick’s house during the day. As a result, most kids don’t even know Katniss exists!  She loves every dog she meets, but she’s a little more wary of people.  She loves kids, but is just overwhelmed by the sheer number of them running around Camp Deerhorn. She is obsessed with popcorn and any other crunchies, and her favorite activity is cleaning the crock pot after roast beef dinner.