Aerial Deerhorn Tour from Camp Deerhorn on Vimeo.
Deerhorn Hall

Deerhorn Hall has long been the anthem of Camp Deerhorn, a song sung about the brotherhood of camp. But in 2018, it became an actual physical place, when we built our new rec hall and storm shelter near the soccer field and koogee row. The basement is cool even on a hot summer day and serves as a storm shelter in case of bad weather, but also a great place for games like scooter hockey on a rainy day. Upstairs is a camper’s paradise-ping pong tables, darts, air hockey, and foosball, along with tables for playing games like checkers. It is definitely a favorite hangout location of our campers!
The waterfront at Deerhorn was perhaps the single most important factor when Dr. Don Broadbridge chose this camp site in 1930. Our beach is long, sun-drenched and the hard sandy bottom drops gradually to a depth of 5 feet within our enclosed swimming area. The main dock forms a large block letter ‘A’ and extends 140 feet out and 75 feet across. The sailing department falls to the left of the ‘A Docks’ and the canoeing area to the right. While our ski boats are anchored near the sailing area at night, the ski boat sports are actually operated at a large distance from the ‘A Dock’ area. No boy is permitted to go into the water except during scheduled periods when instructors and lifeguards are present.
The Lodge
The Camp Deerhorn Lodge was constructed of giant hand-hewn Norway pine logs cut on site in 1932. Its lofty tamarack rafters and massive stone fireplace help to create the perfect Northwoods atmosphere – woody and warm. The building is over 110 feet long and houses the main indoor recreational area as well as a large kitchen and two spacious dining rooms. Its mighty walls house living history and many a Deerhorn memory.
The sleeping quarters at Deerhorn are called koogees. Each one faces North Pelican Lake and is surrounded by giant pine, oak, and birch trees. Built on concrete piers, they are sufficiently raised from the ground to keep them dry at all times. These cabins, designed with screened windows and awnings that operate from the outside, make comfortable dwellings for small groups of boys and their counselors. All of our koogees have been recently remodeled with new floors and wooden bunk beds made from trees on our property.