A Letter Of Thanks
April 24, 2018 From the family of Derek Harms… Dear Camp Deerhorn Community: For the past 11 years, Mr. Harms and I helped our boy pack for Camp Deerhorn. We missed him before he ever got there, but we saw camp as a gorgeous setting, a positive learning experience, a group of dear, loyal friends […]

True and Beautiful
Yesterday was one of the hardest, most powerful, most beautiful days of my life, yet another day when I was overwhelmingly grateful to be a part of the Deerhorn Family. Of the over 500 people who attended Derek’s service, at least a third of them were Deerhorn people, parents, staff, and kids of all ages. […]

I wrote a blog two month ago called The Force of a River, about flowing with the events in life, instead of fighting against them, and the importance of helping kids learn this skill. And then last month I wrote a blog about how we can’t protect kids from pain and frustration, that, in fact, […]

Remembering Rooster
Washington Irving said, “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love.” It is this overwhelming grief that I am dealing with right now with the sudden loss of Rooster. I have […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Nick Charlton
Every year, we ask the parents of our Deerhorn leaders to look back at the early years of their son’s Deerhorn careers. It’s always fun to hear about their initial impressions and how they’ve grown at camp. Nick Charlton is leading the 2018 Iroquois, and when we asked his parents to write a blog, they […]