What if?
Schools are closed across the nation, kids are learning virtually at home, and parents are doing their best to juggle all of their new roles. We worry that they are falling behind, or that they are missing out on so much, learning from home rather than at school. We put pressure on ourselves to find […]

A Look Back at Leaders-JP Koehl
Today’s blog looks back at the Deerhorn career of JP Koehl, Leader of the 2020 Iroquois. Many thanks to his parents for sharing their thoughts with us! One April, we were driving our boys to school and John Paul said from the back seat, “I love spring. It means it’s almost time for Deerhorn.” While […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Eli Whitney
We continue our Look Back at Leaders blog series by introducing you to the 2020 Chippewa Leader, Eli Whitney. It was around this time five years ago that Eli became focused on the reality that in the coming summer he would be leaving home for the first time to spend two weeks at camp in […]

Tether Yourself
I read an article recently called “Tether Yourself: The Enlightening Talk Parents Aren’t Having Can Keep Teens from a Damaging Drift.” It was on a website called Hands Free Mama, authored by Rachel Macy Stafford. It talked about the dangers of technology and social media, and the damage it is doing to our kids. As […]