Keepin’ It Cool
Whew! It’s a hot one today at Camp Deerhorn! The temperature is in the high 80s, but it’s also really humid, which is not a typical Northwoods summer day. When the heat and humidity get this high, it’s time for some of the activities to head to the waterfront. Basketball, tennis, and horseback riding all […]

A Boyhood Adventure
They say that Disneyland is the Happiest Place on Earth…but we think it’s Camp Deerhorn. Where else can you celebrate Skatie’s 10th birthday, get crafty, sail, play tennis, bike trails through the woods, shoot hoops and bows and arrows, ride horses, play disc golf, and kayak…all before dinner? The session is flying by and time […]

D is for Deerhorn Brothers
We did brother pictures after breakfast this morning, and it made us realize how many brothers are here right now enjoying Deerhorn together! Not only are there lots of Deerhorn brothers here, but there are also lots of sets of THREE brothers here together. It’s so great to see! I was on staff at Deerhorn […]