Brothers & Friends

We love announcing brother pics after a meal and seeing who shows up. All the brothers do, of course, and often cousins as well. But there are always lots more kids who show up, who just want their picture taken with their “Deerhorn Brothers.” Boys aren’t often ones for pictures, but they love the brother […]

Sunshine and Koogees

It was a beauty of a day today! The sun shone, the wind blew off the lake, and the humidity was much less. It was gorgeous and sunny and we loved it. The temperature got up to 73, but late in the afternoon it started dropping and by dinner it was 60 and windy, a […]

Inside Fun

Today’s weather wasn’t as great as we’ve enjoyed all week. It was a lot cooler today and it rained off and on all day. There were definitely hardy souls who still went out to the Rave for swim class and general swim, but a lot of activities moved indoors today. We built our rec hall, […]

More Sun and Fun

It was another beautiful sunny day at Deerhorn, though cooler than yesterday. Campers had their first six activities yesterday and the other six activities today. The only activity they have every day is Sports and Games, because we combine two activity groups to be able to play sports like soccer and baseball, and games that […]

A New Day

Good news! Through the miracle of recovery software, I was able to get back most of the photos from yesterday. They are on the SmugMug site along with a bunch from today! Today dawned sunny but cooler than yesterday, which we were kind of grateful for. It was pretty muggy yesterday. Breakfast this morning was […]

Life is What Happens

Our B session started today and we could not have had better weather to kick it off! The sun shone all day and the temps were in the 80s, perfect for swim tests! Our 27 kids who stayed over from A session reports this morning that the changeover day at the Woodchucks game and pool […]

All the Good Things

Today ended our A session, our first camper session of the summer. We’re not quite sure where the time went. We finished up the session with our awards breakfast and had lots of awards to pass out. We passed out patches for stars earned in activities, and Most Improved patches in each activity. The tennis […]

End of A Session Fun

Wow! The A session is almost done! We had breakfast burritos for breakfast, french bread pizza and caesar salad for lunch, and enchilada casserole for dinner. And guess what? It DIDN’T rain today! 🙂 The morning was full of regular activities as kids worked toward those last few stars. After lunch, kids headed back to […]

Mud Puddles

Today was another day of rain at Deerhorn. It poured all morning, though by afternoon the rain was gone and the forecast for the next few days looks way better! And if it’s going to rain at camp, there’s nothing better than some mud wrestling. Horseback riding couldn’t go on rides this morning, so instead, […]

A Session Brothers

We love taking Deerhorn brother pictures! We make the announcement at a meal for anyone who has a brother to meet outside the lodge after the meal. What’s even more fun is the kids who show up who aren’t brothers, but just want their pictures taken together. They say, “We’re Deerhorn brothers!” Speaking from experience, […]