
Camp Deerhorn has been life forming for our son.  He comes home elated, confident, comfortable with who he is, well accepted and boosting with energy.  I honestly don’t know how you do it.  Sometimes I wonder if you have a special pixie dust in the woods.  For our son, where academics and learning has always been a struggle,  the school year can often be exhausting.  But, when he comes back from Deerhorn, he’s like a different kid.  His letters are hysterical with comments like, “I want to spend the rest of my life here.”  “This is the best place in the world.”  I know this opportunity to attend the Voyager Leadership Program will help shape him into a leader and a confident young man.  So, thank you from a parent who is deeply grateful for all that you’ve done for our son.   I write this with deep gratitude to the Deerhorn family and your fabulous staff.