Lessons Learned
We are in high gear preparing for the summer of 2017. But before we begin, it’s fun to look back and hear what campers had to say about the summer of 2016. Here are some of their comments from surveys we passed out last summer at camp, what they had learned and their favorite parts […]

A Look Back-Parker Frautschi
Today’s blog is a look back at the Deerhorn career of Parker Frautschi, leader of the 2017 Navajo. We are grateful to his parents for sharing their memories with us! As family traditions go, Parker’s father and uncles all went to summer camp in Northern Wisconsin. Uncle Grant went to Deerhorn, Uncle Paul, Red Arrow, […]

A Look Back-Walt Szafran
Today’s Look Back is Walt Szafran, leader of the 2017 Apache. Many thanks to his parents for sharing their memories! When it came time to think about a summer camp for our boys, Walt’s dad naturally thought of his own boyhood summer camp in Massachusetts. After some investigating he discovered that his camp had changed […]