A Look Back at Leaders-George
Our final look back at Leaders focuses on George Landsberg, leader of the 2018 Chippewa. Many thanks to his parents for sharing their thoughts on George’s years at Deerhorn! George’s letters home from Camp Deerhorn are infrequent and sparse, to say the least. That’s how we know Camp Deerhorn is having the desired effect. George’s […]

Finding Happiness
There are times in our lives when happiness comes easily…weddings and babies, parties and graduations. We are happy without thinking about it, caught up in the joy and excitement that naturally happens during exciting events. But life is made up of lows too, and everything in between. It’s that “in between” that I have been […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Henry
Henry McQueen is leading the 2018 Apache this summer. Here’s what his parents had to say about his years at Deerhorn. When asked to write a blog post about Henry’s experience at Deerhorn, I was sent down a proverbial rabbit hole of memories. I pulled out the file where I keep Henry’s letters and his […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Philip
Our second in our Look Back at Leaders series is Philip Meyers. This will be Philip’s 9th summer at Deerhorn and he is leading the 2018 Navajo. Here is what his parents have to say: It’s hard to express in words what Camp Deerhorn means to the Meyers family. By the end of this summer, […]