Feeling Everything
Every fall, I write a blog reflecting on the previous summer at Deerhorn. It always takes me awhile to write that blog, to gather my thoughts after a very busy summer lived at a breakneck pace. You would think that, after a summer of waking up really early 7 days a week for three months, […]

Introducing the 2022 Leader Crew!
It’s one of the most exciting days of the Deerhorn year! The day we get to introduce you to the four kids who are going to lead our camp teams in the upcoming summer. On one hand, it’s an easy decision, because these four are amazing. On the other hand, it’s a really hard decision, […]

Words of Wisdom by Fred
This week we lost one of our beloved camp dogs, Iz. He loved camp, but his favorite spot was behind the kitchen, where he always hoped to find some tasty morsels, or in a koogee, where he went searching for campers’ contraband food. We will all miss him dearly. He was the sweetest dog, and […]