Happy Father’s Day!!

We send out huge Father’s Day greetings to all of our dads out there!! Fathers and sons were busy again yesterday, making the most of their time at camp. Breakfast was pancakes, lunch was chicken patties, and everyone was excited for our first picnic supper on the beach, brats and hot dogs. The rain held […]

Sunshine & Fishing

Today was the most beautiful day at camp…sunshine and blue skies, sparkling water and amazing breezes to keep away the mosquitoes. Yes, it was definitely on the chilly side, starting out this morning at 48 degrees, but by this afternoon temperatures had warmed into the 70’s. And the cooler weather didn’t keep dads and sons […]

Summer of 2014, Let the Games Begin!

Our summer got off to an excellent start today, with all of the fathers and sons arriving for our first session. We have lots of great returning dads, but also these amazing new friends we are so excited to greet. Lots of young kids in the mix too, which always bodes well for the future […]

A Profound Experience

Today’s blog comes from a letter we received from a camp father several years ago. He brought his whole family to camp back when we had Family Camp and  was overwhelmed by the kindness he found at Deerhorn. “It can be done. It is out there. I don’t know where to start this thank you […]


Twice a week, we require campers to write a letter home to their parents. We usually wait a couple of days before having the first letter day. Inevitably, if we have the first letter day too soon, there will be at least one letter that looks something like this:  “Dear Mom, The stains you see […]