Pugawaggan 2023

Sundays are a little different at Camp Deerhorn, and we all welcome the change in routine. We sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9am. This morning’s breakfast was french toast and sausage. Sunday mornings, kids enjoy some rare free time around camp. There are usually games of ultimate frisbee and basketball that […]

Smiles & Sunshine

It’s been a great first three days of C session. Kids had their second full day of activities today, with orientations for the other six activities on their schedule. Sports and Games played Star Wars on the baseball field today. It’s yet another crazy game invented by our counselors. You’ll have to ask your camper […]

The 2023 C Session Draft

It’s an exciting day at Camp Deerhorn! The Leaders drafted their teams late last night and so we ended third period of the morning early to announce teams and pass out shirts. Kids went running to the lodge, excited to find out what team they were on. But then again, these kids run everywhere. 😉 […]

C Session is Here!

Opening day for C session dawned sunny and cool. We are grateful for the break in the heat and humidity we’ve had for the past week. We couldn’t have asked for better weather to kick of our C session. This session lasts 3 weeks, but since the demand for 10 day sessions was high, we […]

B Session Goodbyes

Well, that two weeks sure flew by fast! Our B session ended this morning with our awards breakfast, and lots of awards passed out for Most Improved in each activity as well as patches earned for stars. Sharpshooter awards for highest scores in each age group were Jorge Hagg Martinez for juniors, Mark Zsirai for […]

Bappy Hirthday, America!

Happy 4th of July from Camp Deerhorn! This morning was the last morning of activities for A session, as kids worked toward those final stars. After lunch, everyone headed back to their koogees to pack up, either to move koogees for next session, or go home tomorrow. This afternoon, instead of activities, we had three […]

Beating the Heat

When the sun shines and the temperature reaches almost 90 degrees, the waterfront is the place to be to beat the heat! Some of our activities, like horseback riding, basketball, and tennis, just get too hot to be able to safely run, so they head down to the beach for some water hoops and other […]

The 2023 Deerhorn Olympics

Hooray for Sundays at Deerhorn! We sleep in, enjoy some free time in the morning, and we always look forward to the big team event in the afternoon! Today’s Sunday event was the Deerhorn Olympics, where all four teams competed with their teammates in traditional Olympic events, like track & field, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, […]

B Session Koogees

We aren’t sure where the time has gone! This afternoon is already the last day of afternoon activities for Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday activities, since Tuesday afternoon is a different schedule as the session winds down.  It’s a warm, sunny day at Deerhorn, and we’re grateful that the air quality has improved over the last few days. It’s […]

Hanging Out and Having Fun

It’s hard to believe this session is already more than halfway over! Time really does fly! Today was another day of regular activities, as kids work on earning stars and enjoy hanging out with their friends. Kids can earn stars in activities for mastery of skills. Red star for beginners are worth 25 points, blue […]