The Best of Deerhorn
This. This is the best of Deerhorn. Blake is 9 and Mike is 15. At home, they would unlikely be friends. They wouldn’t even go to the same school. Where in life would you ever see a 3rd grader friends with a sophomore in high school? At Deerhorn. Friendships like this are […]

Last Day of Hockey
We woke up to coffee cake for breakfast, and there were many trips to the window for seconds (and third, and fourths!) It was definitely a popular breakfast. Many kids liked the fish sandwiches for lunch too. Sports and Games is playing handball on the soccer field today. Today was also the last day of […]

We Love Hockey!
Kids have been having a blast this week playing Deerhorn hockey. But the highlight of the week for most kids is the staff hockey game tonight. Sure, it’s a fast paced, awesome, fun game of hockey to watch. But let’s get real…these kids are in it for the concession stand. Each camper got $3 out […]

Our Pioneers left this morning. They are all excited to be hiking 45 miles of the North Country Trail. It is “America’s longest National Scenic Trail, stretching 4,600 miles from New York to North Dakota, linking 7 states, 10 national forests, and more than 150 public lands.” –NorthCountryTrail.org They are hiking about 45 miles of it […]

Another Day in Paradise
Have you ever heard the song by John Prine called “Paradise?” It’s one that has been around campfires for decades, and the title has been used countless times over the years to describe a summer at Deerhorn. It’s our own paradise. We have staff like Matt Winter who come up here to work on vacation […]

Busy Days
Our internet decided to not work last night, hence no blog for yesterday. We love living in the Northwoods, but it does have its drawbacks, namely a horrible internet provider. But in exchange we get campfires and stars, friends & fun….we’ll take it! There’s a lot going on at Deerhorn these days. B session is […]

We’re always excited when Sunday comes around at Camp Deerhorn. Six days a week we have our regular schedule of activities, but Sundays are a little different. Most of the excitement about Sundays comes from the announcement at Saturday’s dinner that we get to sleep in an extra hour Sunday morning! (Though there are many […]

Activities and Waterparks
Last night, kids were divided up into 12 teams for the 4th of July relays. Everyone had a blast and really enjoyed the fireworks last night. You can check out pictures from last night’s relay on our Shutterfly site. Today dawned sunny and breezy and after a pancake breakfast, it was back to activities. The […]

Happy 4th of July!
We are enjoying the most beautiful weather at Deerhorn today. The skies are blue, the sun is shining, and the breeze off the lake is amazing…it’s the perfect Northwoods afternoon. Activities are in full swing. Kids are learning about the safety, rules, and expectations in each activity and then they are getting right into the […]

It’s Good to See You Again
We love B session. It marks the beginning of our five week leadership programs for our 15 year old Voyagers and Pioneers. That means that we get to see 25 faces of boys we’ve known for years. We’ve watched them grow up and become fantastic young men who we’re proud to call part of the […]