Fun for All Ages
Since our E and F kids arrived on Monday, we wanted to make sure that we got koogee pictures that included them. But, of course, there were others who wanted to join in the fun as well. Whether it’s E session kids doing a nice koogee picture together… …or the Leaders who will never miss […]

Hooray for Today
We woke up to clouds and rain this morning, but not long after breakfast the rain had stopped, making way for a warm, mostly sunny day at Deerhorn. Breakfast was blueberry pancakes and lunch was chicken tenders. Sports & Games played Quidditch on the soccer field…minus the flying broomsticks, of course! It’s yet another crazy […]

Wind & Sun
We woke up to cloudy skies and a little bit of rain for awhile this morning. But that didn’t slow the action down at all, and by lunch time, the sun had come out from behind the clouds. It’s been a really windy afternoon, perfect for some sailboat action, but a little tough for skiers. […]

What a fun day around camp! Today we welcomed 25 kids to camp with the start of our E and F sessions. E session boys will stay a week, while F session kids are here for ten days, until the end of C session. A few kids have been to camp before, but 22 of […]

Here and There
Our Voyagers left this morning bright and early at 7am. After weeks of preparation, they were excited to finally be hitting the road. It was a six hour drive to Voyageurs National Park, and I have no doubt there was lots of sleeping happening on the bus. It’s a brand new destination for the Voyager […]

Let the Good Times Roll
We woke to fog so thick we could barely see past the A-Dock, but by lunch the fog had cleared and the sun peeked through occasionally all afternoon. It warmed up to 80 degrees and kids had a great time jumping on the Rave, skiing, and playing with the paddle boards. Breakfast this morning was […]

Ready to Go!
Today was food packing day for our Voyagers. It’s their favorite part of pre-trip planning, as they get to see all of the food they are going to eat for the eight days of their kayaking trip. They leave Sunday, and they are so excited to go! We had some rain this morning […]

The View From Camp
The sun is shining once again. The Voyagers spent the afternoon on the lake doing kayak basic safety in preparation for leaving for their 8 day trip on Sunday. Sports and Games played Klepton on the soccer field, which is a big camper favorite. The view from camp is full of action, smiles, and fun! […]

Brothers of All Ages
I started doing brother pictures awhile back, just to make sure I got a pic of brothers who were sharing the Deerhorn experience together. But these days, every time I make the announcement, it’s not just brothers who show up. It’s cousins, and friends, boys who just want their photo taken together…boys who consider themselves […]

Back Home Again
The Lake Superior Trip returned home this afternoon around 4:30 and camp is full once again. They had a great trip, with good weather and tons of fun. This morning they picked 85 pounds of cherries before heading to breakfast. On the way home, they went hiking at Copper Falls State Park. Here it’s been […]