More Fun Ahead

We made it through the whole campfire last night without rain, until midway through s’mores when it started dumping! We haven’t exactly been blessed with the best weather for FS2, but everyone made the most of it and had a great time. We had scrambled eggs, bacon, and potatoes for breakfast this morning, and hot […]

The Fun Doesn’t Stop

Today looked to be better weather than yesterday. And while we did have less rain than we did yesterday, the forecast was definitely not accurate. Today was our guided fishing day, and while some families got to go out to fish, quite a few others got shut out because of rain or thunder. Regardless, we […]

What Rain?

So we might have gotten a little rain at Deerhorn today. 🙂 We are located on a chain of lakes, called the Moen Lake Chain, and we are Fourth Lake out of five. There was so much rain today that we joked that Sixth Lake had formed down by the beach, and our waterfront staff […]

The Perfect Start

What a day! This kind of weather makes good photos easy! Smiles, sunshine, blue skies…it doesn’t get any better! We had a line of cars down Deerhorn Road this morning at 9am, just bursting with kids ready to get this party started! We love reuniting with so many great friends, but also welcoming new families […]

Campfires and Conclusions

Our first Father Son camp was a wonderful way to kick off the summer of 2018. We are grateful for all of the fantastic families who made Father Son 1 so special. On a personal note, it was pretty great to hang out with some guys who I was on staff with 20 years ago. […]

The Sun Will Come Out

This morning dawned cloudy and cool, with rain as a definite possibility. And while it did rain briefly this morning, by afternoon the sun had come out and the day warmed to perfection. Fathers and sons stayed busy today, trying to make the most of their last full day at Deerhorn. Breakfast was delicious sausage, […]

A Great Day to be at Deerhorn

We had a fantastic day at camp again today. The weather couldn’t have been nicer, with cool weather for sleeping, warming to sunshine and 70s in the afternoon. The beach was again the happening place, with trips down the slide and out to the Rave, and lots of sailboats and kayaks out on the lake. […]

A Great Beginning!

We opened our 2018 season today with a great group of dads and sons. Most are returning, but we do have five new families joining us this year. Everyone was excited to see all the new upgrades, and there have already been many games of ping pong played in the new hall and trips down […]

A Brilliant Ending

It was a gorgeous blue sky day for our last full day of 2017. We couldn’t have hand-picked better weather. Today was our guided fishing day, and although everyone had a blast with our guides, only one family was lucky enough to land the big one. Bill and Billy Cadigan landed a 35 inch musky […]

Fun With Friends

Though our day was mostly cool and cloudy, we were relieved that there was no rain!  Breakfast this morning was french toast and bacon, and then it was time to start the fun! Shooting sports are always super popular at Father Son Camp, and this one is no exception! Lots of dads spent the day […]