His First Year at Deerhorn
March is here and summer will be here before we know it! We will welcome home hundreds of campers who already know how awesome Deerhorn is. But we also have 165 campers who will be joining the Deerhorn Family, coming to camp for their first summer at Deerhorn on their own. We are sure they […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Navin Linson
Next up in our Look Back series, we get to hear from Priya and Josh Linson, Navin’s parents. Navin is the Leader of the 2024 Deerhorn Wolves, is from Willowbrook, IL, and is returning to Deerhorn for his 8th summer! It’s hard to believe that I’m writing this post, after reading Leader “look-backs” […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Desmond Mangat
Every year, we ask the parents of our 4 Deerhorn Leaders to look back at their son’s years at Deerhorn. It’s so fun to hear them reflect on all the years their kids have spent at camp and the growth they’ve seen along the way. We kick off our Look Back series with Desmond Mangat, […]

Expect Greatness
At the end of last summer, we were between sessions and a group of us went out to dinner before the next Father Son session started the following day. While at the restaurant, we noticed a group of two dads and two sons also having dinner. Knowing they were likely heading to Father Son camp […]

Deerhorn Parent Hacks
Everywhere you turn there are videos and social media posts with parenting hacks, life hacks, time-saving hacks…so we figured it was time for a blog about Deerhorn parent hacks! Some are tips from veteran Deerhorn parents, while others are just explanations about how things work at camp. Many of them are great to share with […]

Two Things Are True
Two things are true. This has become my new favorite mantra in recent months. It’s so applicable to so many things in life. So often in life we use “but” when we should use “and.” “I love my kids, but they can drive me crazy.” “My job is so fulfilling, but it can be so […]

A summer at Deerhorn is full of fun. There is no doubt about that. Kids wake up before the sun rises, ready to get the fun started. Days at Deerhorn are full of all of the fun things that make a true Boyhood Adventure…swimming, kayaking, sailing, horseback riding, mountain biking, archery, trips down the slide, […]

The Goal is Resilience
Have you heard of Dr. Becky Kennedy? She is a clinical psychologist and founder of Good Inside. Her latest book is “Good Inside: A Guide to Being the Parent you Want to be.” I first heard of her on Glennon Doyle’s podcast back in September, “We Can Do Hard Things,” when she talked about how […]

Tools of our Humanity
One of the speakers at a recent camp conference I attended was Catherine Steiner Adair. She is a clinical psychologist whose mission in her work is “Ensuring that today’s students – our children – have not just the technological tools they need as they inherit the AI future, but the tools of our humanity – […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Nate Affolter
Next up in our Look Back series is Nate Affolter, co-Leader of the 2021 Navajo. This is his 6th summer at Deerhorn and he hails from Chicago, IL. Here’s what his parents have to say about his years at Deerhorn. Summer 2015. We packed up the car and took a family trip to Rhinelander, Wisconsin […]