Andrew Berghoff Memorial Scholarship Fund
Two years ago this month, we lost an incredible member of the Deerhorn Family. Andrew Berghoff had come to Father Son camp with his dad, brothers, and grandfather for several years. He lived the line of the Creed “To greet the dawn with a smile, and the mess call with a laugh.” Andrew was always […]

Derek’s Legacy
It has only been nine months since we lost our friend, Derek. It has been hard for all of his friends to comprehend that he is gone. But for his parents, it is a daily struggle to find that light in the darkness. They have channeled their love for Derek into many projects in his […]

Light in the Darkness
I just finished reading a book called “Everything Happens for a Reason-(and other lies I’ve loved)” by Kate Bowler. She was diagnosed a few years ago with stage 4 colon cancer, and her book is frank and honest and beautifully puts words to things that are hard to talk about. One quote from the book […]

Campfires and Conclusions
Our first Father Son camp was a wonderful way to kick off the summer of 2018. We are grateful for all of the fantastic families who made Father Son 1 so special. On a personal note, it was pretty great to hang out with some guys who I was on staff with 20 years ago. […]

The Best Yet
Friends, we are all crazy excited for the summer of 2018! We’ve had a crew of 7 guys here for a couple of weeks working on big pre-camp projects, and the rest of our staff arrived yesterday. We are painting, landscaping, making trails, interior decorating, and just all around prepping for the best summer Deerhorn […]

Finding Happiness
There are times in our lives when happiness comes easily…weddings and babies, parties and graduations. We are happy without thinking about it, caught up in the joy and excitement that naturally happens during exciting events. But life is made up of lows too, and everything in between. It’s that “in between” that I have been […]

A Letter Of Thanks
April 24, 2018 From the family of Derek Harms… Dear Camp Deerhorn Community: For the past 11 years, Mr. Harms and I helped our boy pack for Camp Deerhorn. We missed him before he ever got there, but we saw camp as a gorgeous setting, a positive learning experience, a group of dear, loyal friends […]

The Best is Yet to Come
The summer of 2017 was incredible. We had an incredible staff, supportive parents, and fun, energetic campers. We broke records for total enrollment, and 2018 is on track to break those records again. Because of our enrollment numbers, and due to the generosity of many camp parents who spearheaded and donated to the capital improvement fund, […]

A Regular Fellow
“What is a ‘regular fellow?’” This is the question posed by Walt Szafran, leader of the 2017 Apache, in his Water Campfire speech this year. (Walt’s speech starts around the 10 minute mark on the video.) He was referring to the line of the Deerhorn Creed that says “To be a ‘regular fellow,’ a pal […]

I wrote a blog last spring about The Importance of Community. It was in response to my parents having been recently hit by a drunk driver. They both survived but not without lasting impact and the accident left me struggling to continue living in the present, rather than being fearful of something happening to those […]