The last day of B session is here. It’s been a busy one, as last days always are. This morning was the last three periods of regular activities, so kids worked hard to get those last stars. Sports & Games had a “grab bag” of activities, where kids could choose what activity they wanted each […]

Deerhorn definitely has a focus on fun, and as a photographer, I love capturing those fun moments, those huge smiles, those looks of sheer delight. But there is also a lot of hard work that happens at Deerhorn, and I love capturing those moments too. A couple of days ago, on the blog, I talked […]

The word “grit” is defined as an “indomitable spirit” and “perseverance and passion for long term goals.” It’s a quality that many experts agree is a determining factor in a child’s success later in life…not intelligence or athletic ability or wealth…but grit. One of the most important characteristics for kids to develop as they grow up is this willingness […]

Koogees and Quidditch
Sports and Games is playing Quidditch today. For those of you familiar with Harry Potter, you might be thinking, “How in the world are kids playing Quidditch without flying broomsticks?” Simply by using imagination! Our counselors are full of imagination and come up with new games every summer. There are hula hoops attached to the […]

True Love
True love is a dad standing in the cold rain while his son makes endless trips down the waterslide. True love is a dad who spends hours in the craft shop, when he’d rather be skiing (or sleeping). True love is dads who brave 55 degree temperatures and a stiff breeze off the lake to […]

Everything I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten…and at Summer Camp
Today’s blog post is by guest blogger, Luke Funk. Luke teaches kindergarten at The Latin School in Chicago. We are so glad Luke is returning for his 5th year on staff this summer as our waterfront director. There is a saying that says something along the lines of “Everything I really need to know, I […]

Choosing Joy
One of the quotes from our surveys of 2014 said “At Deerhorn, I learned that things don’t always go your way and while you think things might stink, if you look on the bright side it will be a lot better.” I love knowing that kids take that away from camp, choosing to “greet the […]

It Takes a Village
Our guest blogger today is Carol, mom of two Deerhorn campers, one of whom is leading our Apache team this summer! We have loved getting to know Charlie at camp over the past few years. He is one of those kids who makes our job as a camp director easier. He lives the Creed every […]

Changing Lives
The holidays are over. The kids are (*finally*) back in school…until the temperatures drop into a dangerous windchill and school is cancelled just two days after returning from break. You’ve just spent the past two weeks with kids running around your house, and perhaps you’re thinking, “It’s time to plan our summer. What are those […]

Good Enough
I love this quote. It so perfectly sums up one of my favorite parts about camp, and also one of the most powerful. One of the things kids struggle with most in growing up, is the pull between really being yourself but also wanting so badly to be accepted and liked. At some point in […]