What a day! The sun shone once again, we had a banner day of coffee cake for breakfast, grilled cheese for lunch, and chicken alfredo for dinner (with dirt cups for dessert!) But the best news of all is our Voyagers have come home! The bus arrived around 4:00 this afternoon, the PA announcement was […]

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts a summer at Deerhorn can offer is friendship. Some boys come to camp with several of their good buddies from home and they all want to be in the same koogee. Others come to camp knowing not a soul. But either way, campers quickly realize how easy it is to […]

Koogee Fun
Kids love staying in a koogee…they love getting to hang out with their friends at rest hour and G-Swim, and for many kids it’s their favorite part of camp. It’s always funny taking koogee pictures, because it is always a trick to gather them all together, especially with ping pong, chess, pickle ball, and tennis tournaments […]

Deerhorn Sun-C Session-Week 2
Enjoy the latest edition of The Deerhorn Sun! Sun C Week 2

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun
We enjoyed another amazing day of sunshine and breezes off the lake. Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, lunch was meatball subs, and dinner was steak fajitas. There are lots of tournaments happening around camp, including tennis, ping pong, chess, and pickle ball. Games are played during rest hour, g-swim, and during tennis class. Kids love participating […]

Sunshine & Skiing
This is the view we woke to this morning…perfect glass out on the lake, just begging campers to come ski on it. The sun shone all day and kids took full advantage of the calm lake to get up on skis, wakeboards, and kneeboards. It was another hot one at camp, but that just […]

Attack of the Sioux!
(Many thanks to Luke Funk for guest blogging about today’s events!) Sundays are a little bit different here at camp. We sleep in an extra hour and have a fairly laid back morning. Campers have the opportunity to play street hockey, ultimate frisbee, read, write letters, or just spend time with friends. […]

The day started bright and early before 6am for our Spike Buck counselors, as their kids were up and ready with questions to start the day… “Where do I mail a letter?” “Should I go brush my teeth?” “When is breakfast?” (In two. more. hours.) Our counselors were amazing and handle it all with patience […]

Spike Bucks
Since our Voyagers are gone for 8 days, today we welcomed 11 E session campers. We call them Spike Bucks, and they are 7-10 years old and are coming to camp for the first time. We love E session campers because of the energy and enthusiasm they bring to camp. They are excited about EVERYTHING, […]

Voyager & The Deerhorn Sun
Our Voyagers left this morning at 7am, bound for 8 days of sea kayaking in the truly incredible Apostle Islands of Lake Superior. They will shove off from the town of Bayfield and camp for the next week on several different islands. Tonight they will be staying on Basswood Island. They were all thrilled to […]