Another Beautiful Day
Kids were excited to get back into activities today, to really be able to have the full activity period since orientations were finished last week. Sports and Games played baseball on DK Field, and we had eggs and toast for breakfast. Lunch was chili and cornbread, and we were thrilled to have another day of […]

Super Sunday
The sun shone once again for our first and only Sunday during D session. Sundays are a little different around Camp Deerhorn. We all enjoy sleeping in an extra hour, with breakfast at 9am….though I should say that most of us enjoy sleeping in. There are definitely still the die-hard kids who are up at […]

Team Excitement
It’s always an exciting day at camp when kids get to find out what teams they are on. The leaders drafted last night, so just before lunch today, we announced teams, passed out shirts, and took team photos. Campers had the other six activity periods today, so they continued going over safety rules and expectations. […]

A Good Start
While our temperatures today may not be ideal for swim tests, we haven’t had any rain today, which is awesome. We tried to get kids outside last night after dinner, but just as we got them outside it started pouring again. So we had a great campfire in in the lodge with our amazing entertainers. […]

D Session Excitement
We were so excited to greet all of our D session boys today, but they were WAY more excited than we were! We were NOT, however, excited about the rain that poured all day, and definitely did not help the process. Kids who stayed over from C session had a great time yesterday in Minocqua, […]

The Tough One
This day is definitely the hardest of the summer…the goodbyes the most bittersweet. While we are ready and excited to greet 120 D session boys tomorrow, it is always hard to say goodbye to our 15 year olds when they leave at the end of C session. The tears flow freely and the hugs are […]

Packing It All In
It was a whirlwind of a day around here, as we finished off the last full day of C session. We enjoyed cinnamon rolls this morning for breakfast, and then kids did their last morning of activities, working on those last star requirements before the session ended. After mini corn dogs and mac & cheese […]