What a Day!
There are not enough adjectives to describe today’s weather. Gorgeous. Sunny. Sparkling water. Perfect breeze. It was the best weather we could have asked for to enjoy our last full day of activities for the summer. Activities like biking, sports and games, archery, and crafts were quieter today, as families gravitated toward time well-spent on […]

A Perfect Wisconsin Day
After weeks of warm, muggy weather with a chance of thunderstorms several days, we woke up to the perfect Wisconsin weather this morning. It was cool for sleeping, but the sun shone all day and warmed to a beautiful 75. Riflery and archery were the busiest activities today, but there was also lots of sprout […]

Hooray for FS4!
While we started the day with rain showers for most of the morning, by lunch time the sun had come out and it turned into the most beautiful afternoon! We are glad the forecast for the rest of this week looks beautiful as well! We welcomed 30 families to our 4th Father Son camp, and […]

Thanks For a Great Week!
We had an amazing campfire last night, with so many great dads, sons, and staff performing songs. We, of course, topped it off with s’mores at the end! It’s been a really great four days with these dads and sons, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones! We thank all of them for sharing […]

A Fun Day of Fishing
We weren’t sure what to expect from today’s weather, because they were calling for a chance of storms all day. But other than some clouds and about a half hour of rain, it was a perfectly great day at camp! We were glad the rain mostly missed us! Today was our last full day of […]

Thumbs Up!
The forecast for this Father Son camp didn’t look so great going into this week. After yesterday morning’s downpour, we were hoping for better weather today…and we got it! Last night’s indoor campfire in Che’s Lounge was great, but we were so glad to be able to be back at the campfire ring tonight! It […]

It’s Time for Father Son Camp!
We look forward to Father Son 3 and 4. With Father Son 1 and 2, in June, we are gearing up for the summer and there is lots of planning that still has to happen. But with Father Son 3 and 4, we are winding down and we feel like we can enjoy the company […]

It Was Good
Last night’s Water Campfire was incredible. For the first time in Deerhorn history, there were 8 Leaders paddling in, lighting the fire, and giving speeches to cap off their Leader summer. It was a beautiful, emotional night, and a perfect send off to these 8 amazing kids…even if it did last until almost 9:45 and […]

It was another great day at Deerhorn. The last morning of regular activities for the summer of 2021. An afternoon of team competition. A Water Campfire tonight to celebrate the Leaders and their legacy at Deerhorn. And a perfect sunny day to enjoy it all. But today’s post is about the staff, and how amazing […]

Brotherly Love
It’s always so fun taking brother pictures at Deerhorn. But it was even more amazing this morning to see how many brothers are here together at Deerhorn this session! There were 27 sets of brothers who showed up! Two brothers, three brothers…sets of friends who aren’t brothers, but love having their “brother” picture taken. Spending […]