Brotherly Love

It’s always so fun taking brother pictures at Deerhorn. But it was even more amazing this morning to see how many brothers are here together at Deerhorn this session! There were 27 sets of brothers who showed up! Two brothers, three brothers…sets of friends who aren’t brothers, but love having their “brother” picture taken. Spending 10 days at Deerhorn is special. But sharing Deerhorn with your brother? Nothing better!

I spent six summers on staff with my brother, before I became a Broadbridge. I will always be grateful to Deerhorn for bringing us so much closer together.  He became one of my best friends during those six summers at camp. And this summer, he brought his six year old to Father Son camp for the first time, and I got to share Deerhorn with my favorite nephew. We all are a part of the Deerhorn Family, but sharing it with your actual family is a pretty special experience.

And watching these brothers at camp together is pretty special for us as a staff too. The older brothers are so good to the younger ones, watching out for them, teaching them the ropes, helping them through homesickness. I know as a parent you see a lot of the bickering that is typical of brothers. But I think you would be proud, and pleasantly surprised, to find that happens a lot less here.  They’re really good together!

Thanks for sharing ALL of your boys with us this session! They are a special group. All of our brother pictures can be found on our Instagram, our Facebook page, and our Shutterfly site.

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