The 2024 Deerhorn Treasure Hunt
The schedule at camp used to be we had regular activities Monday-Saturday and Sundays were a different schedule. We changed our sessions this summer to all be 11 days long, and decided that we didn’t want to have a Sunday schedule on day 2 or 3 of a new session, when kids had just gotten […]

A Session Koogee Fun
With good weather again today, we got koogee pictures today at rest hour. It’s always fun to see personalities come out in koogee pictures. Kids love hanging out with their friends in their koogee! It was cloudy most of the day, not as hot as yesterday, and the sun even came out mid-afternoon. There was […]

Windy & Warm
We were so grateful for no rain today! It was warm and muggy all day, with the temps climbing into the high 80s and winds gusting off the lake all day. It was so warm that horseback riding and basketball headed down to the beach for the afternoon for some water basketball. The waterfront was […]

Wacky Weather
It was really warm and muggy when we woke up this morning, and we made it through one period of activities before the skies got dark and the storms rolled through. Luckily the storms weren’t severe and they were done in a couple of hours. Kids played games in the lodge and Deerhorn Hall while […]

Rain by Seven, Sun by Eleven
We woke up this morning to rain and clouds. And though it rained most of the morning, by 11am the rain had passed and the sun even made a few appearances this afternoon! Morning activities were mostly inside today, as kids played board games, rafter ball, and games in Deerhorn Hall. Some activities continued as […]

2024 A Session Teams
There were lots of kids up early this morning, excited to get the fun started! We had french toast for breakfast, then we had a short meeting after breakfast to find out what activity group they were in, and then it was off and running! Activities the first two days have to include safety and […]

Deerhorn 2024 A Session
It’s finally here! The day lots of kids have been waiting for, when we kick off our regular camper sessions with A. We love Father Son camp, but camper sessions are the best! We were so excited to see the sun this morning and have good weather to start our first camper session. There were […]

Fishing, Fun, and Sunshine
Today was our guided fishing day and we were grateful for sunshine and warmer temperatures than we’ve had so far. Dads and sons had such a great time hanging out with our professional guides. Some kids wanted to fish for smaller fish, while others wanted to try for that elusive musky! There was only one […]

Lots of Father Son Fun
Today dawned cloudy and cool, and we didn’t see the sun most of the day. However, it only rained for a short period of time this afternoon, so activities went on as usual. There were lots of us that gathered in the lodge throughout the day around the fireplace, enjoying the warmth and conversation. Breakfast […]

Father Son 2 is Here!
The day dawned bright and beautiful for opening day of our second Father Son camp. Most dads and sons arrived early in the day to get the fun started as soon as possible. We have a ton of dads here who were former Deerhorn campers, and it’s awesome to see them reconnect with old friends […]