Lake Superior Trip
About 40 boys and 5 staff left this morning on the Lake Superior Trip. They will head up to Bayfield Wisconsin, gateway to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. They’ll travel by ferry across to Madeline Island where they’ll spend the afternoon swimming and playing in Lake Superior. They’ll come back to Bayfield and camp out […]

Slip & Slide Kickball
Nothing says summer like a slip & slide, and slip & slide kickball is one of the most popular in Sports & Games. It has not been a “slip & slide friendly” summer, with cooler temperatures and too much rain. But today, the sun was shining and temperatures were in the 80’s, so the afternoon […]

What an exciting day to be at Camp Deerhorn! Not only was it Sunday, which we all love around here…but it was also the debut of an exciting new team event, called Pugawagan. Our special events guys, Nick & Ryan, have spent hours working out all the kinks, making sure that everything would run […]

C Session Draft
The leaders of the four camp teams drafted their teams late last night, so this morning, kids who just arrived got to find out what teams they were on. For more about our team competition during the summer, click HERE. Team photos are posted on our Shutterfly site. This is the Iroquois, the team who […]

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun!
This is what fun looks like: At Camp Deerhorn, we call that a Machine Gun Run, and these kids in group 9 decided to do Machine Gun Runs this afternoon in swimming class, over and over again. Just because it was fun. They were excited to be at camp, excited for our warm summer day, […]

C Session!
We are off and running again with a great new group of kids! Many of them are returning campers, so it’s fun to greet old faces and to meet new friends! The kids who stayed over from B session had an awesome time on the pirate ship, and were ready this afternoon when the buses […]

ARRR!! B Session is over!
We have 44 kids who are staying for C session, and they sailed off on an adventure this afternoon. They sailed with the Eagle River Pirates on a real pirate ship this afternoon. Kids were outfitted with pirate bandanas, eyepatches, and mustaches, to make the experience as real as possible. 🙂 After the pirate ship, the […]

Life as a camp director is always hectic. Days are crazy and long and it’s easy to get bogged down in the logistics and lose the big picture. And then there are moments. Moments that remind us of why we do what we do. Moments that show us that we are not just giving these […]

Time Flies
Here it is, the last full day of activities for B session. It’s so hard to believe that this session is almost over! The weather has not been super cooperative today, as we had a few rain showers come through and the high didn’t pass 57 degrees. But the sun peeked through several times and […]

Chariots of Fire
Today was one of the biggest Sunday events of the summer, The Chariots of Fire, second only to the Monkey Relays that will be coming up in a couple of weeks. It’s such a fun afternoon, watching all the teams work together. Each team is divided into smaller groups, and they have to go complete […]