The D Session Draft
It’s always an exciting day at camp when the teams are announced, and the line out the store today to buy team colors said it all! The leaders drafted last night in secret and the teams were announced today just before lunch. Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs and toast, and then […]

Everything is Awesome!
First morning of D session…and there were lots of kids up at 5:45am, playing basketball, tetherball, cleaning their koogees, ready to start the day! These kids are excited and there is no time to waste! We had french toast for breakfast, kids returned to their koogees to clean up, then they returned to the […]

Ready for D Session!
Hold on tight! It’s going to be a wild ride…D session has begun, and we have no doubt that it will fly by in a flash of craziness, enthusiasm, questions, and excitement! We are back to capacity for D session, which means we have 142 boys, and more than a third of them are joining us for […]

The Saddest Day at the Happiest Place
This is it, the saddest day of the summer. You would think it would come at the end of D session, which is our last camper session of the summer. But it comes today, at the end of C, because all of our Voyagers are going home. Together, the 14 of them have spent 89 summers […]

The Last Scalp
It’s hard to believe the last day of C session has arrived. We enjoyed bagels for breakfast, chili for lunch, and chicken tenders for dinner (with dirt cups for dessert!!). We woke to sunshine, but by mid-morning the skies had darkened and it started pouring just before lunch. Luckily, we were still able to have […]

Another Great One
First, I have to share a photo of the AC hot dog vendors from last night’s softball game…1.Because they made the game awesome, kids loved having them walk around the game yelling “Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here!” and 2. Because staff don’t get much love on the blog, since I tend to focus more […]

DK Day 2016
Today will go down as one of the best of the summer. Thanks to the hard work of our Special Events crew, Kiana, Sam, and Ryan, this afternoon we celebrated the third DK Day at Deerhorn. DK Day celebrates the legendary Dick Kinney, who has given Deerhorn 35 summers of his life, as a ski […]

Friends & Fun
Sunshine…blue skies…breeze off the lake…I am beginning to sound redundant. But seriously, we have been so lucky this summer with our weather! Kids are continuing to work on stars in activities, and of course, most importantly, having fun! Tournaments continue, including the pickle ball tournament, chess, ping pong, and tennis. It’s great to see […]