Hello, Sunshine!
After several grey, cloudy days with periodic rain showers, we were thrilled to wake to sunshine this morning! It was a chilly morning, but it quickly warmed into the low 80s, and we basked in the sun that had been hiding for the last few days. It was a very welcome sight! Breakfast this morning […]

Rainy Adventures
We awoke to some rain showers this morning, so some of our first two periods of activities went inside to play. Tennis and waterfront activities headed to the lodge and rec hall to play games there. Luckily, the rain quit mid-morning and all activities resumed as normal. It’s definitely been cloudy and cooler the rest […]

Loving Life
For any of our Spike Buck parents who are worried that their sons are homesick, please know that homesickness has not been a major issue with these kids. We had a couple who struggled the first night, but on day four, those days are in the past. A lot of them were there to greet […]

Early Birds
There is no doubt that our Spike Bucks have arrived at camp when it’s 6am and there are already kids running all over the place. The rest of the kids at camp have been here for 2 weeks, and many are older. But Spike Bucks just arrived and there is NO TIME TO WASTE. Half […]

2023 Spike Bucks
Today was a very exciting day at Deerhorn! Every year, while our Voyagers are out of camp for 8 days on their expedition, we host a 1 week session for 7-10 year olds who are coming to camp for the first time. We affectionately call them our Spike Bucks. Today, 18 VERY excited kids arrived […]

Voyagers and Stags
The day is finally here! After weeks of preparation and months of anticipation, our Voyagers finally got on the road this morning for their 8 day expedition. They traveled 6 hours north to Voyageurs National Park to spend the next 8 days sea kayaking. They were so excited that the day was finally here! They […]

We had 33 C10 kids leave this morning, so camp was a LOT quieter this afternoon! It was pretty great to hear those kids tell their parents that 10 days was just not long enough, and they wanted to come back for longer next summer. Some kids who had some tears at the beginning, because […]

Fun & Food
Today was one of the day our Voyagers look forward to the most…food packing day! After a morning spent at Wal-mart, and two full grocery carts, I gathered the Voyagers in the lodge after lunch to pack up their food for their trip. You know boys…the way to their hearts is through their stomach! 😉 […]

Kids in Koogees
It’s been a busy week, with the Lake Superior Trip being gone for two days. Our C10 kids leave on Saturday, and our Voyagers leave on Sunday, so we needed to get those koogee pictures done! Koogee pictures are our favorite, because we love seeing kids personalities come out as they goof off and have […]

Superior Adventures
All of the kids and staff on the Lake Superior Trip have had a great trip. They had so much fun swimming yesterday in Lake Superior and taking the ferry across to Madeline Island. Today’s adventures included berry picking and hiking at Copper Falls State Park. They are due to arrive home by dinner tonight. […]