Voyagers and Stags

The day is finally here! After weeks of preparation and months of anticipation, our Voyagers finally got on the road this morning for their 8 day expedition. They traveled 6 hours north to Voyageurs National Park to spend the next 8 days sea kayaking. They were so excited that the day was finally here! They arrived safely to their destination early this afternoon, and are off on another epic Boyhood Adventure!

Three hours later, the rest of camp woke up for breakfast! 😉 We had blueberry muffins for breakfast at 9, and then campers enjoyed some free time this morning. The Leaders had meetings after breakfast to plan for the big Sunday event, and the store was open for shopping. Daniel Bramah gave a great Words of Wisdom talk in the lodge at noon, sharing his favorite story from Plato, and talking about how the most important part of life is the journey. We had Szechuan beef and broccoli and noodles for lunch, and then campers headed back to their koogees for rest hour.

During rest hour, a brief crazy storm blew in and delayed our Sunday event by an hour, so campers and staff spent that hour hanging out with their koogee playing games and talking. The Sunday event today is Revenge of the Stags, where the campers join forces with other teams to take on the staff in numerous events, culminating in campers vs staff Braveheart to end the afternoon. After dinner tonight, koogees are going to gather in the lodge for skit night before ending another great Sunday at Deerhorn with a campfire. We hope the Voyagers are having as much fun on their trip as we are at camp!

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