Fun & Food

Today was one of the day our Voyagers look forward to the most…food packing day! After a morning spent at Wal-mart, and two full grocery carts, I gathered the Voyagers in the lodge after lunch to pack up their food for their trip. You know boys…the way to their hearts is through their stomach! 😉 They get so excited to see what they are going to be eating for the 8 days they will spend in Voyageurs National Park. After several hours, their food is all packed and ready to go, and they are psyched to pack up everything else tomorrow in preparation to leave Sunday!

Everyone else has had another great day of activities at Deerhorn. It was cloudy this morning but the clouds cleared and the sun came out after lunch. Sports and Games is playing Klepton on the soccer field. It is a camper FAVORITE game, and you’ll have to ask your camper how to play when he gets home! Obviously, there has been plenty of waterslide fun today too!

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