Fishing and Fun

It was another perfect day at Deerhorn. The sun shone, the sky was clear, and the smiles spread from ear to ear. Breakfast this morning was cinnamon french toast. Lunch was sloppy joes, and we are having ham for dinner. Today was our guided fishing day, and though there were no lunkers caught, big enough […]

What a Day!

Just WOW! The beach was for sure the place to be today at Deerhorn. With temperatures in the high 80s and a great wind off the lake, the waterfront was a busy place all day. We could not have asked for better weather…though we could have asked for more sunscreen on the counselors. 😉   […]

Let the Summer of 2016 Begin!

The day dawned bright and beautiful for the start of our first Father Son camp and the beginning of the summer of 2016. Dads started rolling in this morning around 10, and most of their kids barely let their dads stop the car before they were off and running to activities! We have lots of […]

And Then All Was Quiet…

It’s been five days since camp officially ended.  Usually I write a blog on the last day of Father Son camp, bringing the summer to a close.  But somewhere along the way that last day, as I said goodbye to so many good friends, helped take down camp in the driving rain, and took a […]

Fishing and Fun!

The day dawned a little dreary but the rain held off until this afternoon.  Fathers and sons took full advantage  of the morning and headed out for more trips to the Rave, horseback rides, and lots of shooting at the archery range.   Today was also guided fishing day, so most of our families jumped at […]

What Rain?

So our luck ran out a little on the weather today as we woke up to dark skies and pouring rain…but “Rain by seven, sun by 11.” as Big D used to say.  The morning was pretty rainy, so some dads and sons took field trips to play laser tag, see movies, or go bowling. […]

Good Friends, Good Times

We welcomed another awesome set of dads and sons today for our final session of the summer, Father Son 4.  Many of them have been to camp before, but there are also lots of new faces joining the Deerhorn Family.  We were blessed with incredible weather, lots of warmth for swimming and wind for sailing. […]

Smiles & Tears

This morning was the D session awards breakfast, and it was full of emotion, songs, cheers, and lots of great speeches.  The Deerhorn Sharpshooter award for top scores in riflery went to Henry Wolfe for juniors, Drew Bagnoli for intermediates, and Jack Hallinan for seniors. The tennis tournament champions were James Theriault for the 11 […]

The Water Campfire

What a day…it’s hard to put into words the last day of a Deerhorn summer…but I will try! We’ll get the menu out of the way first…cinnamon toast for breakfast, pizza bagels for lunch, and chicken fajitas for dinner.  It doesn’t get much better than that.  And the weather…the sun shone most of the day, with […]

Klepton & Other Fun

Every day, the Sports & Games counselors get up at breakfast to announce what game they will be playing that day.  As I have mentioned before, some are your traditional sports like baseball or soccer, but others are games 100% made up by counselors at Deerhorn.  And every day when that counselor gets up to […]