Your First Day at Deerhorn

This coming summer, we have over 100 kids who will be coming to Camp Deerhorn for the first time. Even those who have attended Father Son camp with their dads will find that the schedule for regular sessions is quite different. We understand that first year campers might have some anxiety about coming to camp, […]

Andrew Berghoff Memorial Scholarship Fund

Two years ago this month, we lost an incredible member of the Deerhorn Family. Andrew Berghoff had come to Father Son camp with his dad, brothers, and grandfather for several years. He lived the line of the Creed “To greet the dawn with a smile, and the mess call with a laugh.” Andrew was always […]

The Power of Empathy

This past year has been hard on the Deerhorn Family.  We lost Rooster, and then Derek, and in November we lost Gabe. And now Andrew. All of those things left me feeling cracked wide open. I felt deeply their losses, not only for myself, but for their parents and families, and the Deerhorn Family, especially […]

Goodbye to a Friend

It is with heavy hearts that we once again have to share news of the passing of one of our own. Andrew Block, who was a longtime camper and then counselor, passed away in his sleep two days ago. As a camper, he was well loved by staff and peers alike, a kind and hilarious […]

A Look Back at Leaders:Ryan Kennedy

Every spring, we ask our Leader’s parents to submit a blog, looking back on their son’s years at Deerhorn. It’s a fun way for everyone to get to know our new group of leaders. This group promises once again to be stellar, and our first blog looks back on the Deerhorn career of Ryan Kennedy. […]

Derek’s Legacy

It has only been nine months since we lost our friend, Derek. It has been hard for all of his friends to comprehend that he is gone. But for his parents, it is a daily struggle to find that light in the darkness. They have channeled their love for Derek into many projects in his […]

The Unimaginable

There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is suffering too terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can, And push away the unimaginable. The moments when you’re in so deep, It feels easier to just swim down… The first time I ever heard the Hamilton soundtrack, that song instantly […]

2019 Leaders

It’s hard to believe that this day has arrived once again. Every summer, we are lucky  enough to spend at least five weeks with some of the most incredible 15 year olds you could ever hope to meet. It’s the highlight of Patrick’s summer, getting to lead the Voyager and Pioneer programs with these amazing […]

Dear Derek

Dear Derek, If life were fair and just, you would be here right now. We would be playing ultimate frisbee with you on the soccer field on Sunday mornings, and listening to you and Papa sing at the campfire.  We would be laughing at your hilarious counselor show skits, and paddling canoes with you out […]

The Best Yet

Friends, we are all crazy excited for the summer of 2018! We’ve had a crew of 7 guys here for a couple of weeks working on big pre-camp projects, and the rest of our staff arrived yesterday. We are painting, landscaping, making trails, interior decorating, and just all around prepping for the best summer Deerhorn […]