Be a Great Teammate
Recently, I shared a letter written by Brad Stevens, head coach of the Boston Celtics, to his 9 year-old daughter. You can find the original letter HERE but I also wanted to share the full letter here on the blog. As our kids have gotten older, we’ve talked about this with them a lot, what […]

Choosing Kindness
It has been a long road to get to November 8th, 2016. To say that it has been an emotional roller coaster would be a dramatic understatement. Most of us are just glad that it is over. But now that it IS over, and the votes are in, what now? As much as I would […]

We Heard You!
We want to say a big “Thank You” to everyone who responded to our survey. We were thrilled that almost 97% of the 249 respondents gave us an 8, 9 or 10 on a 1-10 scale. 79% gave us a 10! We are so grateful for your feedback, and ecstatic to hear that you love Deerhorn as […]

The Case for Deerhorn
Many thanks to our guest blogger today, Mark Deacon. We are so grateful that Mark and his family are part of the Deerhorn Family. If you would like to write a guest blog post, please email it to amy@deerhorn.com. My name is Mark Deacon, and I’ve been coming to Deerhorn every summer since 2005. I […]

Why Choose Deerhorn?
Parents these days are bombarded with endless choices for summer activities for their kids. On top of the numerous choices for summer fun, many sports extend into the summer, or go year-round, and increasingly teenagers feel pressed to do summer school in their high school years. Parents who don’t have prior experience with summer camp […]

Leading His Team
Many thanks to Andrea Macina, for sending in an incredible story about her son, Joey, and how he is Living the Creed in his daily life. We love hearing stories like this, and are proud to call Joey Macina a Deerhorn camper. If you have a story about how your son Lives the Creed, please […]

Helping Animals
We kicked off the month of March on our Facebook page with a great story about two brothers who are showing the world how to Live the Creed. Drew and Wilson Bagnoli raised a lot of money for the Save the Animals Foundation, their local animal shelter. They shoveled snow and had a number of […]

How do YOU “Live the Creed”
The Deerhorn Creed is an integral part of daily life at Camp Deerhorn. It is the foundation upon which we were built and it continues to be the guiding force in creating the safe atmosphere where kids can grow. The Creed is mentioned many times a day as we talk about going out and “being a […]

Ahhhh, January…the month where you have to park four times farther from the gym in order to find a parking place. Or, as it’s affectionately known at our house, Cookieless January. By February, you can find a parking place closer to the gym, as many of the resolutions that were set seem to falter in […]

Today’s blog post comes from an essay written by Matt Mastrapa. Matt was a camper for 6 years and returned in 2015 to be an assistant counselor. He wrote the essay after the summer of 2014, his last as a camper. Thanks, Matt, for sharing what you learned at Deerhorn! I woke up with my […]