I wrote a blog two month ago called The Force of a River, about flowing with the events in life, instead of fighting against them, and the importance of helping kids learn this skill. And then last month I wrote a blog about how we can’t protect kids from pain and frustration, that, in fact, […]

A Look Back at Leaders-Nick Charlton
Every year, we ask the parents of our Deerhorn leaders to look back at the early years of their son’s Deerhorn careers. It’s always fun to hear about their initial impressions and how they’ve grown at camp. Nick Charlton is leading the 2018 Iroquois, and when we asked his parents to write a blog, they […]

A Regular Fellow
“What is a ‘regular fellow?’” This is the question posed by Walt Szafran, leader of the 2017 Apache, in his Water Campfire speech this year. (Walt’s speech starts around the 10 minute mark on the video.) He was referring to the line of the Deerhorn Creed that says “To be a ‘regular fellow,’ a pal […]

I wrote a blog last spring about The Importance of Community. It was in response to my parents having been recently hit by a drunk driver. They both survived but not without lasting impact and the accident left me struggling to continue living in the present, rather than being fearful of something happening to those […]

Lessons Learned
We are in high gear preparing for the summer of 2017. But before we begin, it’s fun to look back and hear what campers had to say about the summer of 2016. Here are some of their comments from surveys we passed out last summer at camp, what they had learned and their favorite parts […]

A Look Back-Walt Szafran
Today’s Look Back is Walt Szafran, leader of the 2017 Apache. Many thanks to his parents for sharing their memories! When it came time to think about a summer camp for our boys, Walt’s dad naturally thought of his own boyhood summer camp in Massachusetts. After some investigating he discovered that his camp had changed […]

The Importance of Community
The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” This is a battle I have faced for years, trying to live in the present and not be […]

A Look Back at Leaders:Michael Thistlethwaite
Each year, we ask the parents of Deerhorn Leaders to take a look back at their son’s Deerhorn career. We love hearing about the joy, the growth, and the love of Deerhorn that they have seen over the years. It’s a great way for our Deerhorn campers to get to know the leaders who will be […]

Feel the Intangible, Revel in the Miracle
A very big thanks to Lindsay Landsberg, for being our guest blogger today. She, her husband, Marc, and her sons, Jack & George, have all been campers at Deerhorn. We are so grateful for her beautiful blog. (Anyone wishing to be a guest blogger can email their submission to amy@deerhorn.com.) At age 11, my eldest son, […]

We Are Deerhorn
Several years ago, we welcomed Grant Denapoli back to Deerhorn. He had not been back since he was a camper, and he was more excited than anyone to be back at camp, and be able to share it with his son, James. Since then, he has returned every summer to not only attend Father Son […]