It’s hard to believe it’s the last Sunday of the summer…last Sunday event, last cookout on the beach. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and this session is almost half over! We all enjoy Sundays at camp because they’re a little different, a little more laid back, and provide a break from the […]

D Session Teams!
Everything is exciting to these D session boys, and their enthusiasm is contagious. But nothing is as exciting as the draft, where campers get to find out which team they are on for the session. The leaders picked teams last night, so today before lunch the announcement was made of each team’s line up. Kids […]

Summer Fun
The heat wave of summer has finally arrived, in perfect time for D session. These boys are LOVING this weather…it’s perfectly cool at night for sleeping, and we wake up to 50 degree mornings…then it warms up to that perfect 85 degree afternoon, with the sun shining and breezes blowing. We welcome the warmth of […]

Old Friends & New Faces
We LOVE D session! The energy and enthusiasm these boys bring into camp late in the season is a reminder to us all how awesome camp really is. They are SO excited to be here! It’s a significantly younger session, as we went from 70 teenagers last session to 33 this session, and we have […]

Friends Forever
We had to say goodbye to a lot of good friends today. There were many tears shed in the parking lot as the bus was loading up. It’s so bittersweet for our 15 year olds, because for many of them it’s their last year as a camper. Next year we will pick four 16 year […]

Where Did C Session Go?
It is definitely hard to believe that C session is almost behind us. We have many friends going home tomorrow who we will miss around camp, staff & campers alike. Everyone definitely made the most of their last day of activities & team competition. This morning after breakfast of french toast, kids finished up working […]

These Boys
At the risk of sounding redundant, I want to tell you again how incredible this class of 15 year olds is. We have 70 teenagers here this session, and a large percentage of those are our 15 year olds. We always rave about our 15 year old class and how impossible it will be to […]

What an incredible day! The Monkey Relays are one of the best days of the summer. The excitement surrounding the relays is electric, contagious, and incredibly overwhelming. This morning was our typical sleep in until 8:15, cinnamon toast for breakfast, and free time this morning. Kids played street hockey and ultimate frisbee, but there were […]

What do you get when you cross a watermelon with crisco & add 30 boys in the lake? Watermelon polo and a whole lot of wackiness. When you wake up at camp, you never know what that day is going to bring. Sports & Games got hot up on the baseball field this morning, so […]

Life is not always perfect at Deerhorn. (Shocking, I know!) There are definitely difficult things to deal with, and obstacles to overcome, and hard choices to make. But when I look around camp on a day like today, I am reminded of the goodness that overflows here. There are so many good things happening on […]