Summer’s End
Well folks, we’ve reached the end of the summer of 2014. The docks are out, the lodge is full of sailboats and kayaks, and the koogees are cleaned out for winter. We thoroughly enjoyed our last Father Son camp session, with a great group of dads and sons. Remy spent hours creating a huge Jenga […]

A Great Last Day
It’s always hard to believe when the summer comes to a close. Today was the last day of activities for the summer of 2014, and everyone made the most of their day. Riflery and archery saw lots of action, the crafts shop was crazy busy with everyone trying to finish those last crafts projects, and […]

Fishing & Fun
We all enjoyed an incredible day at camp today! We woke to clouds and the possibility of rain, but other than a few brief showers, the weather was actually quite nice. We even got to see the sun for a good portion of the day. Much better than the predicted forecast! Today was guided fishing […]

No Matter the Weather
So we all thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful sunshine of yesterday, but unfortunately it was short lived. We woke to rain today, and heavy clouds. However, the rain didn’t last long, and though it was cloudy the rest of the day, most of the rain steered clear and activities continued relatively uninterrupted. Sports & Games played […]

An Ending & A Beginning
The Water Campfire Friday night was a beautiful evening of speeches and song, complete with the loons serenading us from the lake. We are so proud of our leaders, and the job they did this summer. Yesterday morning was the end of D session and we wrapped up with our awards breakfast. We are […]

Our Leaders
This morning was the last three periods of activities, and sports & games played world cup soccer on the soccer field. Breakfast was eggs & toast, lunch was pizza bagels(!), and dinner was barbecue chicken. This afternoon was three periods of team competition, with the last period being scalp. Kids love that last afternoon. The […]

Keeping Busy
It seems impossible that the summer is almost over. Today was the last full day of activities. Tomorrow will be a morning of activities and an afternoon of team competition. Campers have six activities Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the other six on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. So today was the last day for the T,Th, […]

It was another awesome day at Deerhorn! The weather these past two days has been absolutely beautiful. The pictures don’t do it justice, but the lake has just been sparkling in the sun…Kids down at the waterfront building sandcastles, going down the slide, sailing Sunfish, paddling canoes, water-skiing, going on the Rave. Looking out at […]

Wacky Wednesday
That picture pretty much sums up D session around here. Crazy, excited, fired up kids who run to activities and make the most of their 10 days up here. D session is pretty wacky all by itself, but today got even wackier. Today was Wacky Wednesday at camp, except that it was Tuesday…which I suppose […]

The Fun Must Go On
The clouds gathered last night and we made it through the morning of activities with no rain…but when lunch time rolled around, the rain started and pretty much lasted the rest of the day. But judging by the smiles on faces and the laughter coming from the swimming beach, the rain did nothing to dampen […]