The Last Ride…
…the last Rave launch…the last dinner in the dining hall…the last trip down the waterslide. The summer of 2016 is almost over and we finished it off in style. Today was our guided fishing day, so after omelets for breakfast, dads and sons were excited to go catch the big musky! There were a […]

No better way to describe the day at camp than simply glorious. It was a perfect 85 degrees with a breeze off the lake, and the lake water the warmest it’s ever been. After pancakes for breakfast, fathers and sons were off to activities! Riflery and archery are always popular during Father Son camp, […]

Best for Last
We welcomed another group of fathers and sons today for our final session of the summer, Father Son Camp 4. Many of them were here bright and early after breakfast to get as much action in as possible in the first day! After bagels for breakfast, we opened up all the activities starting at 9am, […]

Another Goodbye
…And in a blink, D session is over. We had our awards breakfast this morning, and lots of awards were passed out, including some end of the summer awards. The tennis tournament trophies were given out to Will McHugh for 11 and under and James Theriault for 12 and up (and he’s an 11 year old! […]

The Water Campfire
We woke this morning to blue skies and doughnuts for breakfast…doesn’t get much better than that!…except it does when you’re at Deerhorn! This morning was the last three activity periods of the summer. Campers made the most of their time to work on stars and just plain have fun, like many trips down the waterslide! […]

Family Ties
It’s hard to believe that today was the last full day of activities for the summer of 2016. Tomorrow’s schedule will be a little bit different. Kids had a great time in activities, but also continue to work on star requirements. For those of you who are new to Deerhorn, our focus at camp is […]

1000 Words
We woke to a cloudy Friday morning, with pancakes for breakfast…but at least we didn’t get more rain! It’s also been slightly cooler, which has been nice. Sports and Games today played Gasebolf, which is a game where kids tee off at home plate with a tennis ball and golf club…and then run the bases […]

Here Comes the Sun!
We woke up to an absolute torrential downpour! After blueberry scones for breakfast, counselors made announcements about where their activities would be meeting in the rain…like the office porch, the lodge, or the wolf den. Arts & crafts and riflery continued as usual. But the rain fell so hard that we decided to just have […]

The Gift
It was a warm, muggy day at Deerhorn today, making water activities very popular! We are ready for this humidity to pass and for slightly cooler weather! For breakfast, you might have thought we were having corn dogs, but they were pancake wrapped sausages on a stick…much more popular with kids than with the grown-ups! […]

Today was a little different at Deerhorn. Because of where our changeover days fell, we weren’t able to have typical Sundays with big afternoon team events. So this afternoon we pretended like it was Sunday… The day started out as usual, with muffins for breakfast, and three regular activity periods before having pizza bagels for […]