A Brilliant Ending
It was a gorgeous blue sky day for our last full day of 2017. We couldn’t have hand-picked better weather. Today was our guided fishing day, and although everyone had a blast with our guides, only one family was lucky enough to land the big one. Bill and Billy Cadigan landed a 35 inch musky […]

Fun With Friends
Though our day was mostly cool and cloudy, we were relieved that there was no rain! Breakfast this morning was french toast and bacon, and then it was time to start the fun! Shooting sports are always super popular at Father Son Camp, and this one is no exception! Lots of dads spent the day […]

What Rain?
Our first day of Father Son 4 was chock full of smiles, laughter, trips down the slide, rifle shooting, horseback rides, and launches off the Rave…even in the pouring rain! It didn’t rain all day, but we definitely had pockets of an hour or so with some decent rainfall. The rain held off until mid-afternoon, […]

Here Comes the Sun!
We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day to finish off this Father Son camp! Though the day dawned grey and foggy, the fog burned off by mid-morning and we enjoyed gorgeous sunshine the rest of the afternoon. The waterfront was definitely the place to be when temperatures warmed this afternoon! Today was our […]

Rain Can’t Stop the Fun
While our weather may not have been as amazing today as it was yesterday, the day itself was still pretty amazing. Luckily, the rain held off until later in the afternoon, so activities continued most of the day. Riflery was popular, as usual, and there was lots of action up at the tennis courts, and […]

Fathers and Sons and Fun
We are off to a great start with our third Father Son camp of the summer. Lots of families were here bright and early at 9am, ready to get the fun started! We were blessed with incredible weather for our opening day…a far cry from the rain of opening day of D. This session is […]

A Great Ending
Our final camper session of the summer ended this morning, and we finished with a bang! At our awards breakfast of waffles and sausage, we celebrated improvements in activities, patches earned for stars, and larger awards like Most Outstanding and Deerhorn Spirit Awards. The tennis champions for this session were Ryan Carmichael for 11 and […]

Hustle and Bustle
So please forgive the short blog post…but it’s the last day of the session, and the Water Campfire is tonight, and things are super busy! We will be recording the Water Campfire and posting the video on Youtube soon, but it’s an amazing night celebrating these four leaders and their years at camp. Update 8/13 […]

A Deerhorn Day
Our Deerhorn days start at 7:15am, when the bell rings and everyone gets up and cleans their koogee. Today they also had to gather all of their dirty laundry for the first and only laundry day of this session. After dropping off their laundry, we all enjoyed french toast for breakfast. Sports and Games announced […]

Koogees and Quidditch
We managed to get all of the koogee photos today during rest hour! That is always a feat unto itself, with squirrely kids who may or may not want their photo taken. But everyone was good sports about it and as you can see in the photos, they had fun doing it! The sun shone […]