After the Rain
There’s a saying that goes “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Here at Deerhorn, we prefer “It’s about learning to find the best mudsliding spot!” Yesterday’s weather wasn’t great, but the hours after dinner when the sky cleared and the sun came out were pretty […]

Rainy Day, Still Time to Play
Today hasn’t been the best, weather-wise, but it hasn’t stopped the fun! We woke to overcast skies and an ugly forecast, but luckily there have been plenty of periods of respite in the midst of the rain. Our rainy day plan has two contingencies, one for just light rain and the other for storms. Today […]

B Session Koogee Fun
We love taking koogee pictures at rest hour! It’s so fun to see personalities come out and we know that the koogee experience is one of kids’ favorite parts of camp. Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs and ham, and lunch was sloppy joes and onion rings. The sun has been shining all day, though […]

2021 Chariots Of Fire
Sundays are a little different at Camp Deerhorn. After six days of a regular activity schedule, we all welcome a change of pace. We slept in an hour and had breakfast at 9am consisting of egg casserole, bacon, and toast. Then kids enjoyed some rare free time for the morning. Counselors organized games like ultimate […]

Settling In and Making Friends
We awoke to overcast skies, but other than a drizzle here and there, the rain has held off and activities went on as usual. Breakfast was french toast and kielbasa sausage. Lunch was chicken salad on croissants. Sports and Games is playing Balco Ball today, which is played in the infield of DK Field and […]

An Early Draft
The Leaders drafted teams early this morning, so kids got to find out before lunch what teams they are on. That always makes for excitement around camp! We were grateful to wake up to sunshine and blue skies today, with a high of 80 degrees. Way better than yesterday’s weather! After scrambled eggs and biscuits […]

Welcome to B Session!
We woke to pouring rain this morning, which isn’t a great way to greet campers to Deerhorn! But although it stayed cloudy all day, the rain stopped and activities continued! Kids arrived by car all morning, and the buses pulled in around 3. Then it was full speed ahead! Kids moved into their koogees, took […]

We Will Miss You, A Session!
And just like that, ten days have passed and A session is over. At our awards breakfast this morning, we passed out lots of awards for Most Improved and patches earned for stars in activities. Our rifle awards for high score went to Connor McSwain for juniors (score of 22), Owen Edwards for intermediates (31), […]

The Best Kids Ever
Our last full day of A session is in the books. Breakfast was pancakes and sausage. Lunch was Italian beef sandwiches and potato wedges. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and caesar salad. The morning dawned chilly again today, but the sun shone all day long. Morning was spent in the last three regular activity periods […]

Deerhorn Brotherhood
Some kids come to camp with their brother or their cousin. Others make friends at Deerhorn who feel like brothers. We love seeing kids come get pictures with their “brothers” who are actually kids they just met at camp. Speaking from experience, sharing Deerhorn with your brother is a special thing. My first year at […]