B Teams Ready to Play!

The Leaders drafted last night so today was the day we announced the B session teams. There’s always a lot of excitement around that event! Kids were psyched to find out what team they’re on and get their team shirt that they will wear from now until the end of time. 😉 Breakfast this morning […]

Settling in for B Session

After a busy day yesterday, our day started early today with the bell ringing at 7:15am. There were kids up earlier than that, of course, who just couldn’t wait to get the party started. Breakfast was ham, egg, and cheese croissants. After breakfast, kids headed back to their koogees to clean up and get ready […]

Here We Go Again!

Our first day of B session dawned  bright and beautiful today, and warmed up to a perfect 85 degrees with plentiful sunshine! We couldn’t ask for better weather to start a session. The kids who stayed over from A session, along with the kids who arrived by car, were put in temporary activity group for […]

Thanks, A Session!

We capped off our first camper session this morning with our awards breakfast. Kids earned points for stars and got patches for those points, from Trailblazer all the way up to a Super Warrior…Gus Johnson, who got Super Warrior in only ten days! We also passed out patches for Most Improved in each activity at […]


It’s another hot one today at Camp Deerhorn, and it’s also the last full day of A session. We’re not quite sure where the time went, but these ten day sessions just fly by. It’s been a busy one! After scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage for breakfast, kids had their final three activity periods […]

It’s a Hot One!

Whew! With temperatures in the low 90s today, it was prime waterfront weather. Some activities can’t continue when it gets this hot, so counselors bring them down to the waterfront. Horseback riding is the prime example, but it also gets really hot on the Skeeter for basketball and on the tennis courts. So the waterfront […]

Sundays are Fun Days

We love Sundays at Camp Deerhorn. For one, it’s the only day of the week we get to sleep in an extra hour! Breakfast is at 9am instead of 8. But we also love it because it’s a break from the regular routine, and allows kids some rare free time. You just never know what […]

Deerhorn Brothers

I love taking brother pics at Deerhorn. As a mom, I know how much it means to moms and dads to see their sons together at Deerhorn. But I also love taking them because I know firsthand how special it is to share Deerhorn with your brother. My first year as a counselor was 1997 […]

Fun in the Sun

It was another beautiful day at Camp Deerhorn today! Blue skies, high 70s, perfect Northwoods Wisconsin summer day. Breakfast was egg and cheese quesadillas and bacon, lunch was homemade pizza, and dinner was chicken breasts and mac and cheese. But the crowning glory of the day was the dessert at dinner…at least for this chocolate […]

Wind & Sun & Koogee Fun

Yesterday’s storms gave way to blue skies and sunshine today…and WIND! It was a really windy day today, which was great for sailing, but not so much for canoeing and skiing. With highs in the 70s and plentiful sunshine, it was a beautiful day at camp. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and sausage, lunch was chicken […]