Hellos and Goodbyes

Today we had to say goodbye to our E session kids. From the smiles on their faces all week, we think they will be back next year to stay longer! And while we were sad to see them go, saying goodbye to them means we got to say hello to our Voyagers who arrived home […]

A Thousand Words

Most of my blog posts include small details about what we ate for meals, or what the weather is, or what Sports and Games is playing today. But some days I like to just share a few fun photos as my daily blog. We’ve had parents in the past see photos of their son and […]


It’s always fun getting koogee photos. Kids love hanging out with their friends in their koogees, where there are stories told and laughter shared. It’s fun to see personalities of kids come out in koogee photos. Photos will be posted to Shutterfly tomorrow, but in the meantime you can see the rest of the koogee […]

This Weather!

This summer has been the warmest on record in recent years. We’ve had 40+ days over 80 degrees, while last summer there were only about 15. The warmth means our lake (which is iron-laden) has heated up nicely and is great for waterfront activities. The humidity has stayed lower these past couple of weeks, which […]

The Beauty of Routine

We are thrilled to settle into this week of simply the routine of normal activities. There aren’t trips departing or new groups coming in. We get to enjoy the benefits of a 3 week C session and kids are working hard earning stars. Our E session boys have adjusted to camp like Deerhorn naturals. They […]

Sunday and the Sioux

We all get pretty excited for Sundays at camp. We get to sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9. Plus, a break from the routine is always a fun change. Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs, bacon, and potatoes. After breakfast, kids had some free time to do some activities or just […]

Ready for Action!

It’s an exciting day here at Camp Deerhorn, because our one week, E Session kids arrived today! When our 15 year old Voyagers are gone on their expedition, we offer a one week session for 7-10 year olds who are coming to camp for the first time. They arrived throughout the day today and by […]

An Exciting Departure

Our Voyagers were up bright and early this morning, ready to board the bus at 7am to depart. A light rain couldn’t dampen their excitement to leave for their trip. They are headed for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to spend 8 days sea kayaking in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. They […]

The Bonds of Brotherhood

We love taking “brother” photos. Inevitably, when you ask brothers to meet us outside the lodge for photos, there are lots of kids who come out who want their photo taken with their “Deerhorn Brother.” I know from experience that the Deerhorn experience strengthens those bonds of brotherhood with those who are already family. I […]

One Incredible Day

The Lake Superior Trip arrived back just before dinner, full of stories of their fun adventure. They went berry picking and hiking at Copper Falls State Park. That trip is always a good time. Back at camp, we had a pretty awesome day too. This morning, we slept in an hour and had breakfast at […]