Another Great One

First, I have to share a photo of the AC hot dog vendors from last night’s softball game…1.Because they made the game awesome, kids loved having them walk around the game yelling “Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here!” and 2. Because staff don’t get much love on the blog, since I tend to focus more […]

DK Day 2016

Today will go down as one of the best of the summer.  Thanks to the hard work of our Special Events crew, Kiana, Sam, and Ryan, this afternoon we celebrated the third DK Day at Deerhorn. DK Day celebrates the legendary Dick Kinney, who has given Deerhorn 35 summers of his life, as a ski […]

Friends & Fun

Sunshine…blue skies…breeze off the lake…I am beginning to sound redundant.  But seriously, we have been so lucky this summer with our weather! Kids are continuing to work on stars in activities, and of course, most importantly, having fun!   Tournaments continue, including the pickle ball tournament, chess, ping pong, and tennis.  It’s great to see […]

Monkeys Take Over Deerhorn!

WHAT A DAY! Again, we were blessed with beautiful, warm, sunny weather. Our morning started with french toast for breakfast at 9, followed by some free time around camp. This morning there was no shortage of things to do! Kids and staff organized rugby matches, baseball games, street hockey at the Skeeter, ultimate frisbee, and volleyball. […]

Jumping for Joy

We are jumping for joy with this incredible weather we have been having! The sun is shining, the sky is clear and the temperature is a perfect 80 degrees. Plus the sun has shone for days on end, so our lake water is nice and warm.   There was just enough wind for sailing, but […]

Another Great Day

We are loving this change in the weather.  It’s much  more what a summer in Wisconsin should be. It’s cool when we wake up in the morning, but the sun is shining, and by afternoon it’s warm and perfect. The heat and humidity of last week have passed, and we are all pretty happy about […]

The Boys are Back in Town!

We said goodbye to our E session boys as they headed home after a week at camp. We hope they want to come back to Deerhorn next summer for longer, as one week just isn’t enough to fit it all in!!   And then we welcomed our Voyagers back with open arms around 5:00 this […]

Rainy Day Fun

We awoke this morning to rain showers that lasted through the first two periods. After pancakes for breakfast, kids cleaned up their koogees and headed off to activities.  Some activities, like crafts and riflery, are able to continue in the rain, while others have to get a little creative.   Rainy day activities included ping […]

The Koogee Adventure

There are a lot of tournaments going on this session, most of which have been organized by kids. We always have a tennis tournament, but this session we also have a chess tournament, a pickle ball tournament, and a spike ball tournament.  It’s pretty great to see kids get up at meals to announce matches […]

Life is Good

This is one of the joys of the three week session…days like this when the sun shines and the breeze blows and we have settled into a good routine…and things feel just a little calmer than they normally do. This session is definitely still full of lots of energy, especially with the addition of our […]