On His Own
Sundays are a little different around Deerhorn. We all get pretty excited to sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9, which this morning was pancakes. After breakfast, kids enjoy a morning of free time, and some chose to play street hockey up on the Skeeter. At noon, Luke gave the Words […]

The Deerhorn Way
The leaders did their draft last night and so at the end of morning activities, kids got to find out what teams they were on. There is always lots of excitement surrounding that event, but never as much as during D session. There were already lots of team cheers and chanting even just while they […]

Rain Won’t Stop Us!
We’ve had a really great stretch of weather for weeks, with lots of sunshine and hardly any rain…but alas, it had to come to an end sometime. Luckily, this rainy day seems to be the only one on the horizon and it really hasn’t slowed anything down around here. They were calling for rain all […]

And We’re Off!
We are all so excited to get D Session started! We said goodbye to lots of great friends yesterday, in a session that only was about 8% new faces, and today we open a session with 45% of the kids coming to camp for the first time. So if your camper is new to Deerhorn […]

Time for Goodbyes
We ended our C session this morning with our awards breakfast. Many awards were passed out, including Most Improved Patches and those patches earned for stars. We had lots of tournaments running this session, most organized by campers like Cooper Pierce (chess), Ben Fellows & Nick Chu (pickle ball), and Inigo Banos (ping pong). Thanks to […]

This morning after doughnuts for breakfast was the last morning of activities, and kids worked really hard to earn those last stars. At rest hour, everyone got all their stuff packed up to go home or move koogees. This afternoon was three periods of team competition. The first two included games like Klepton, Indian Ball, […]

Smiles & Silliness
The past few days have been pretty exciting around camp as the Zombie Apocalypse has been happening with our 15 and 16 year olds. They all started the game a few days ago with blank white t-shirts. One of them started as patient zero and tried to get everyone else with their red-painted hands. Every […]

After days of sunshine and perfect weather, we woke (an hour later) to dark skies and thunderstorms…as monkey chatter filled the dining room and bananas hung from the rafters, the question on everyone’s mind was…Will the Monkeys go on? The Monkey Relays are the biggest Sunday event of the summer, the grandaddy of them all, […]

The Deerhorn Sun-C Week 3
It’s another great edition of the Deerhorn Sun, hot off the presses! Deerhorn Sun Last C

Another Great Day!
Tomorrow is the biggest Sunday event of the summer, the Monkey Relays. In preparation, there have been kids carrying ping pong balls on spoons all over camp…because, you have to practice that sort of thing. So much excitement and anticipation surround the Monkeys! The sun shone, kids got to play their favorite game of […]