Here We Go Again!
We woke up this morning to more sunshine and blue skies, ready to get C session started. After breakfast of breakfast sandwiches and hash browns, the kids who stayed over were divided into temporary activity groups to do things like basketball and ultimate frisbee. We had three periods of activities this morning before having roast […]

The End of B
The awards breakfast always sneaks up on us…the sessions fly by, and suddenly it’s time to wrap things up! At our awards breakfast this morning, we passed out lots of awards for Most Improved in each activity, as well as patches earned for stars in activities. Riflery high score “Sharpshooter” awards went to Canon Farrer […]

Wrapping Up
Two weeks surely does go by fast around here. Our B session ends tomorrow and it’s been a great one. Today’s weather was more of the same perfection for the end of activities and wrapping up things here at camp. After a breakfast this morning of make-your-own breakfast tacos, kids headed off to the last […]

Well, friends, it was another beautiful day at Deerhorn. Sunshine, blue skies, temps in the 80s. We definitely can’t complain about the weather this session. Today was the last full day of regular activities, as tomorrow’s schedule is a little bit different. Kids worked hard today to earn those last stars in activities, both for […]

The 2019 Olympics
We all love Sundays around here, as they not only give us a break from the schedule of the other 6 days of the week, but we also get to sleep in an hour! We had a breakfast of doughnuts and bagels this morning at 9, and then kids enjoyed several hours of free time, […]

A Long Explore
Today is the day our Pioneers have been waiting for for many months. Today, all their hoping and planning culminated in finally being able to leave for their trip! They will spend the next 7 days backpacking the North Country Trail along Lake Superior. The weather looks like it will cooperate and their packs are […]

Fun in the Koogees
This morning we are all a little tired from the exciting events of the past two nights, with the hockey game followed by the 4th of July. We managed to get the fireworks in before a brief storm came through, so we were grateful for that! The sun is shining again in the blue sky […]

Bappy Hirthday, America!
Days at camp are always full of fun, but the 4th of July takes it to a whole new level! The dining room is decorated, kids are decked out in red, white, and blue, and we sing patriotic songs at meals. Kids were fired up today to celebrate the 4th. We had waffles for breakfast, […]

Good Things
Well, my big news of the day is that Shutterfly is working again! All photos that have been taken during the B session are now uploaded and shared on our Shutterfly share site. Hooray! Just goes to show that good things do come to those who wait…and wait. 🙂 It’s been crazy hot at camp […]

Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom
The Serenity Prayer has always been one of my favorites. We talk about it a lot with our own kids in the face of adversity or obstacles. “Grant me the serenity to accept those things I cannot change, the courage to change those we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” What can we […]