Happy 4th!
Camp Deerhorn is a fun place to spend the 4th of July! But there’s so much more going on than just a patriotic celebration! Sometimes pictures ARE worth 1000 words, and you can see in all the following pictures just how busy we are at camp. The Pioneers spent the afternoon packing their backpacks and […]
Busy B!
Life is so busy at camp right now! There is a lot going on in the B session. Normally, Sundays at Deerhorn have a more laidback schedule, but since everyone just arrived yesterday, we did the Saturday schedule of activities today. Breakfast was french toast, and then campers got their koogees cleaned up and then met […]
Hello B Session!
We welcomed 79 new campers today for B session, though most of them aren’t “new,” they are returning for their 2nd, 3rd, or even 8th year at Deerhorn! The average size of camper in our dining room grew about 6 inches between A and B session. It’s great to see lots of old friends, and […]
The End of A Session
We had a great awards breakfast this morning (waffles with strawberries and whip cream!) , celebrating patches earned for stars in activities, as well as Most Improved awards in each activity. We love those awards, because that’s our focus here at camp, improvement every day. Rifle awards were passed out to kids who […]
Don’t Blink
This session flew by in a flash. No sooner were we welcoming kids off the bus than we were packing them up to go home. You blink and you might miss it! A session goes by so fast, but we pack a lot into those 9 days. I’ve heard Deerhorn called “saturated,” and I think […]
When you ask a first-year camper what the best part of Deerhorn is, he will usually answer with an activity. But it doesn’t take many years at camp for that answer to change to something like, “Getting to see the friends I only see at Deerhorn.” Many kids come to camp with buddies, but there […]
Your Boys
You always wonder, as a parent, what your kids are like when they are not with you. You hope they are not the whiney, tired, grouchy, creatures that you have seen emerge at home. You have taught them manners, polite words, patience, and kindness. You hope they remember all you have taught them when they are at […]
Koogee pictures are so fun…it’s always a little like wrangling cats, trying to get all of them at the koogee at the same time…trying to get them to cooperate and all get in the photo. But I always love how they turn out because you get to see personalities come through…and you get to see […]
Sundays Fun Days
Sundays are a little different at Camp Deerhorn. We all welcome the extra hour we get to sleep in since breakfast is at 9. This morning’s breakfast was pancakes. After breakfast, campers enjoyed some rare free time around camp. There were lots of kids who chose to play ultimate frisbee on the soccer […]
It’s Team Time!
It’s always an exciting day at camp when the leaders have drafted teams and the kids get to find out which team they are on. And with the massive amount of excitement these kids contain, this session was no different. They run EVERYWHERE…to activities, from the koogee (at 4:45am on the first morning of camp!), […]