It was a warm, beautiful day at Deerhorn, packed full of fun and excitement. Since the Lake Superior Trip was still gone, we slept in an hour this morning and had breakfast at 9am. (pancake wrapped sausages on a stick that looked deceptively like corn dogs for breakfast) Since we slept late, we only […]

B Session ended today and we had our awards breakfast (waffles with strawberries) this morning. Lots of awards were given out, including patches for stars earned in activities, and Most Improved patches in each activity as well. The ping pong tournament champion was Michael Thistlethwaite, and Sharpshooter awards for high scores in riflery went to […]

It’s the last full day of B session and today has been just as busy as the days before. After bagels for breakfast, kids had the last three periods of activities this morning. After chili for lunch, and the longest No-Name Lost and Found Parade ever, kids headed back to their koogees to pack up […]

Tom Foolery
It was another great day of meals at Deerhorn, with pancakes for breakfast, Italian subs for lunch (another crowd favorite), and chicken and biscuits for dinner (with chocolate cupcakes for dessert). The weather couldn’t have been better either, although skiing would have liked a little less wind! We finally managed to get all of the […]

Here Comes the Sun!
The morning dawned cloudy and grey and rain threatened to fall…but it didn’t and by the afternoon the sun had emerged making for a great afternoon on the waterfront. We had eggs and toast for breakfast, fish sandwiches for lunch, and a crowd favorite, Thanksgiving, for dinner, complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin […]

When you ask a first-year camper what the best part of Deerhorn is, he will usually answer with an activity. But it doesn’t take many years at camp for that answer to change to something like, “Getting to see the friends I only see at Deerhorn.” Many kids come to camp with buddies, but there […]

The Happiest Place on Earth
My husband, Patrick, did the meeting after lunch today, where he went over rules and expectations for Deerhorn. No one likes this meeting, and we know that, but obviously it’s necessary to keep everyone safe. At the end of the meeting, he talked about the Deerhorn Creed and how that is what guides everything we […]

Why Choose Deerhorn?
Parents these days are bombarded with endless choices for summer activities for their kids. On top of the numerous choices for summer fun, many sports extend into the summer, or go year-round, and increasingly teenagers feel pressed to do summer school in their high school years. Parents who don’t have prior experience with summer camp […]

Leading His Team
Many thanks to Andrea Macina, for sending in an incredible story about her son, Joey, and how he is Living the Creed in his daily life. We love hearing stories like this, and are proud to call Joey Macina a Deerhorn camper. If you have a story about how your son Lives the Creed, please […]

The No Phone Zone
It was opening day of one of our sessions. The bus had arrived about an hour earlier, and kids were busy getting unpacked, taking swim tests, and meeting their koogeemates. The phone rang and on the other end was a very angry mom. “My son just got to camp and all of his friends are […]