Too Much Fun
The last day of the session is always packed full. After omelets for breakfast, kids had a morning of regular activities, earning those last few stars. Then after a lunch of pizza bagels, kids packed up at rest hour and got ready for an afternoon of team competition. We had three periods, like we normally […]

Those Last Few Stars
Campers have been working hard in activities to earn those last few stars before the session ends. For those of you who are new to Deerhorn, campers can earn red, blue, and gold stars in each activity. Those points (25, 50, 100) count toward achievement patches for themselves for the end of the session (like […]

Sundays Fun Days
Sundays are a little different around camp, and we all enjoy a change in the routine. We sleep in an extra hour, so the pancake breakfast was at 9. This morning, kids enjoyed some rare free time, and many chose to hang out in their koogee, play basketball, or tennis with friends. There were also […]

The Deerhorn Sun!
Thanks to the hard work of Mike Maicke and Mark Deacon, two of our awesome counselors, as well as many hard-working camper journalists, Camp Deerhorn is proud to present the first issue of the Deerhorn Sun! Many kids really got into this project and copies of the newspaper were distributed to tables today at lunch. […]

Koogees and Quidditch
Sports and Games is playing Quidditch today. For those of you familiar with Harry Potter, you might be thinking, “How in the world are kids playing Quidditch without flying broomsticks?” Simply by using imagination! Our counselors are full of imagination and come up with new games every summer. There are hula hoops attached to the […]

To Be Kind
Today at lunch, Patrick asked the dining room if anyone knew who Mother Teresa was. Many hands went up. He said that Mother Teresa once said that “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind…” Then he asked if anyone could guess what the […]

The Big Day!
It’s always a much anticipated event when kids find out what teams they are on. The leaders drafted their teams last night and we made the announcement just before lunch today. For those of you who are new to Deerhorn, we have four camp teams, the Apache, Iroquois, Chippewa, and Navajo, led by four AMAZING […]

Be a Regular Fellow
One of the lines of the Deerhorn Creed says “To be a regular fellow, a pal to other campers, a friend in manner and deed…” It was so great walking around camp today and seeing so many kids being “regular fellows.” Almost half the kids who are here right now are at Deerhorn for the […]

A Look Back at Leaders-McKinley Shea
We have four amazing leaders this summer, leading our four camp teams, and we have been doing a blog series on looking back at their first year at camp. In case you missed the first three, Patrick Drake is leading the Chippewa, and you can find his first year memories HERE. Griff Parry is leading […]

Let the Good Times Roll!
What a beautiful sunny day to start A session! We had 36 kids stay over from our third Father Son camp to A session, many of them for the first time by themselves. They all went to the Waters of Minocqua yesterday afternoon, a small, indoor waterpark close by. They had a BLAST and most […]