The Big Day!

It’s always a much anticipated event when kids find out what teams they are on.  The leaders drafted their teams last night and we made the announcement just before lunch today.  For those of you who are new to Deerhorn, we have four camp teams, the Apache, Iroquois, Chippewa, and Navajo, led by four AMAZING 16 year olds.  Kids really look up to their leaders and it’s really cool to watch the friendships grow between 8 year olds and 16 year old kids…proving once again that age does not matter at Deerhorn.


It was another busy day of activities, and the sun shone the whole afternoon after an overcast morning.  Sports and Games played flag football on the soccer field.  Breakfast was french toast, lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup (!), and dinner was tacos.  The biggest excitement came after dinner when they got to play all camp Scalp! It’s everyone’s favorite camp game, where each team member has two “flags”  (t-shirts) tucked into their shorts, and the teams run around trying to pull other team’s flags.  The last team with someone still standing wins that game of Scalp.  All the kids are super excited to finally get to be on a team! Pictures from today can be found on our Shutterfly site.



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