Ready for Action!
It’s an exciting day here at Camp Deerhorn, because our one week, E Session kids arrived today! When our 15 year old Voyagers are gone on their expedition, we offer a one week session for 7-10 year olds who are coming to camp for the first time. They arrived throughout the day today and by […]

An Exciting Departure
Our Voyagers were up bright and early this morning, ready to board the bus at 7am to depart. A light rain couldn’t dampen their excitement to leave for their trip. They are headed for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to spend 8 days sea kayaking in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. They […]

The Bonds of Brotherhood
We love taking “brother” photos. Inevitably, when you ask brothers to meet us outside the lodge for photos, there are lots of kids who come out who want their photo taken with their “Deerhorn Brother.” I know from experience that the Deerhorn experience strengthens those bonds of brotherhood with those who are already family. I […]

One Incredible Day
The Lake Superior Trip arrived back just before dinner, full of stories of their fun adventure. They went berry picking and hiking at Copper Falls State Park. That trip is always a good time. Back at camp, we had a pretty awesome day too. This morning, we slept in an hour and had breakfast at […]

A Little Something Different
The Lake Superior Trip left this morning before breakfast with 32 kids, heading north and making some fun stops along the way. They stopped and had breakfast at Paul Bunyan’s in Minocqua before going to the Wildwood Zoo. Their final destination was Bayfield, Wisconsin, where they took a ferry across to Madeline Island to swim […]

Full Days
With our Lake Superior overnight trip leaving tomorrow, our Voyagers leaving on Friday, and E session boys arriving on Saturday, life is busy at Deerhorn this week. Days at camp are always full, but this week is definitely the most hectic of our summer. I am, of course, speaking from the perspective of a director, […]

Pugawaggan 2018
Sundays bring a welcome change in routine each week. We all get really excited to sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9. This morning it was scrambled eggs, bacon, and potatoes. Kids get to enjoy some free time on Sunday mornings, and some choose to play street hockey on the Skeeter, or […]

The C Session Draft
Our second full day of activities for C session dawned grey and foggy, but it didn’t take long for the fog to burn off and the sun to come out. Breakfast this morning was french toast sticks with homemade bread and sausage patties. Kids who were here for B session left after breakfast to head […]

The Fun Has Begun!
The day dawned cloudy and rainy, but the sun has been trying to peek out all day. Activities are in full swing, beginning with an orientation in each activity period. Breakfast this morning was a great one, filling us up with sausage breakfast sandwiches, tater tots, and coffee cake. After breakfast, kids cleaned up their […]

C Session Has Begun!
The summer is sure flying by here at camp and here we are at the start of our 3 week C session. Kids who stayed over had a great time last night with the magician, and were wowed by many amazing tricks. We woke up this morning to loud cracks of thunder and pouring rain, […]